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Well if you stand any chance of being able to watch next week's episode you'd better not fall asleep, not even for a couple of minutes. Buildings can and will spontaneously ignite if they're not watched over at all times! Same goes for working at the office, don't you dare take a "power nap" or it'll be a permanent one!
"You only have to worry about one penis, I have to worry about all of them."

that's right you do. all of my penises, and we are legion.
Must watch tonight so I can read this thread! I don't want to scroll up, so can someone just tell me generally if last night's ep was good??

Yeah I'm not sure what's up with this show.

I mean I don't find any of the character stuff interesting at all, really. The main mystery about the flashforwards and the people who were awake is good, but they focus on that for about 10 mins and go back to "Main Character Man" (what is it name? Does anyone actually remember?) and Penny from Lost. Oh, and their annoying kid.

But at least Jack Davenport is pretty cool.
"You mean there are other people investigating the flashforwards besides us?"

DUUHHHHH *hits self with frying pan repeatedly*
It was ohhhh-kaaay this week. I liked that there were still signs of cleanup going on and the story moved forward fairly well, but it still grates on me that this series is getting so much attention when far better shows get canceled or ignored. One thing I thought was well done was the opening, when all the kids were playing but we thought the daughter had been awake during the flashforwards.

Btw, seen this?
Yeah, most of the character's are boring and the dialogue is pretty poor. The little girl is truly terrible and unfortunately she seems to be an important character. I kind of like John Cho and the FBI woman (but only when she wears glasses) and I did like the autistic boy who didn't care that his mother was dead...I hope he's in it every week and they tell him something more shocking each time and he never reacts.

The premise is still interesting so I'll keep watching.
Not sure, but he was only listed in 3 eps on imdb, last I saw.

I forgot they said the boy was autistic by the time it got to him being told about his mother (I distracted myself with work when it got dull) and thought the kid was just a really crap actor. I take it back.
I just presumed it wasnt a great shock to him for his mum to be dead because she would have been dead in his flashforward.