Troll Kingdom

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Gems from Twitter

With all the news stories that start out "Florida Man", there really should really be a comic book villain named Florida Man.

Oh, I see there is.
Just the shell! lol no the meat is kind of the texture of chicken. Everyone compares everything to chicken, but it is kinda like chicken.

ALSO yesterday a band followed me on twitter so I followed them back because they didn't seem annoying and their music is okay but now they've sent me 5 direct messages trying to get me to download their album, and I just replied THANKS and now they've sent me another asking if I've downloaded the album and do I like it. YOU SEEM KINDA NEEDY LUX LISBON. (i'd never heard of them before they followed me)
Steve Suckington ‏@SteveSuckington Sep 28

*Eagle walks in all sweaty & coughing*


I think they followed me a while ago, but I'm too much of a dick or unsociable or something to follow people back.
Surely they have an automated message sending thing and don't sit at their computers thinking "I can't write another song UNTIL CASSIE FOLLOWS ME!!!"
HERE ARE THE MESSAGES, I don't know if it's a bot sending them or a desperate and/or high band member. YOU DECIDE.

hey cheers Mandy I'm stu, thanks for follow, would it be ok to send a free EP download (11 songs) as thanks? appreciated! Stu :)

ah cool,managed to dig out link Mandy should be more organised!! (iPhone/Android version at the bottom) stu …

actually, just thought, in case it's easier, donwload for iPhone/Android etc is here take care! Stu

(okay right here I sent them a dm back that just said THANKS!)

Fantastic thanks! Have you been able to download the EP yet? I'd love to hear what you think of it :) – Stu

hey hey Mandy just a quick one, hope you enjoyed the EP, let me know what you think! :) Stu

deray mckesson ‏@deray 58m58 minutes ago

to survive a police encounter.

