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Gems from Twitter

Hopefully they got the message yesterday that no one likes their shitty plans. Honestly, the people in charge of Twitter act like they've never even used it. They don't understand its strengths at all. For a lot of people, Twitter is the go to place to find out what's happening right now and what a broad, non-fucking-curated group of people think about it. It's a place to get raw opinions, to happen upon ideas and people we never would have sought out. And it's a place that benefits from not having a Facebook style feed of random shit that a computer has incorrectly guessed we'd be interested in. I wish them well finding ways to generate revenue from the site, as I'd hate to see it collapse, but based on recent examples of their ideas I wouldn't have much confidence in them.
They already do that annoying thing of sticking a load of "here's what happened while you were gone" tweets at the top of the feed and there seems to be more of them every time. One time I think they were testing their algorithm because I got my whole timeline in a random order and was like "DID TWITTER BREAK?"
They already do that annoying thing of sticking a load of "here's what happened while you were gone" tweets at the top of the feed and there seems to be more of them every time. One time I think they were testing their algorithm because I got my whole timeline in a random order and was like "DID TWITTER BREAK?"
I ESPECIALLY hate that function. I send in tweets to @midnight's Hashtag Wars all the time, and one time I logged in just before the show started, and saw the topic for the day at the top of the feed, and started firing away jokes like crazy...only to discover that it was last night's topic, inlcuded in the "WHILE YOU WERE AWAY YOU FUCKING EEJIT". So I look like an ass to Chris Hardwick (who I would gladly do even though he's my age), and LIFE CAN NO LONGER CONTINUE.

But then I saw that you just have to refresh to get rid of it, and I was less mad.

Also, the new head guy sent some tweets saying that they aren't going to change the live reverse-chrono feed...MUCH. So we'll see how evil and Facebooky they get with algorithms and other tools of dehumanization.
I'm one of the few people who actually likes the While You Were Away feature, as I have a friend who wakes up much earlier than me and mostly tweets on his journey to work, so his tweets are always presented to me when I open up Twitter of a morning. I mean obviously I could just go to his page... but I'd feel weird and stalkerish even though he's my friend, it's a public medium and he likes me reading his tweets.
But sometimes it shows a "while you were away" tweet from a Big Brother housemate you forgot you followed six years ago, complaining about their shoes.
William Gibson Retweeted
Nick Harkaway ‏@Harkaway 4h4 hours ago

“@thomeagle: I don't understand what this is even trying to insinuate ” {ogoodgodno.}

broad city LARPer Retweeted
nicky ‏@nickasfrick 2h2 hours ago

my dad is going to be pissed
