

New Member
Tonight I had to put down my 14 year old dog Shaquille. Her and my other dog Zoey got into a fight, and Shaquille ended up with her back left leg torn completely off. We put her down, and buried her out in the woods. Tomorrow, we will have to put Zoey down, this isn't the first time she's attacked a dog and we can't have her doing it again. We've had this dog ever since i've lived in Oregon. I don't know how to handle this now, i'm still in shock. Before my mom left for Arizona, she asked that when she came back her animals be alive. Now when she comes back, we'll be two dogs short.


Forever Empress E
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. Are you okay? Is someone there to be with you?

Kerb Crawler

Closed Fist of the Badlands
That's the most horrible thing I've heard tonight! I'm so sorry to read that, Mir. Damn....

Words fail. :(


Forever Empress E
It is hard when we lose our little fur friends, especially so violently and unexpectedly.

Are you going to be okay?


New Member
I don't know anything at this point. This is going to break my mom's heart when she finds out. We don't want to tell her yet, we don't want to ruin her vacation. This hurts, alot.


Forever Empress E
Its going to be hard for her to get over the loss since she wasn't there to bury them - no closure. Do you have other dogs that Zoey is a danger to? Is she aggressive toward people?


New Member
She isn't aggressive towards humans, she didn't like other dogs. She only likes her son, Zeb. She's really good with humans, just not dogs. She's part wolf, so we have to put her down. If anyone were to find out about this, both Zeb and Zoey would be taken away. Zeb is a good dog, nothing like his mother. What sucks, is Zoey is my dog. and this is the second dog of mine we've had to put down in seven years.


Forever Empress E
It just gets worse. {{{{{{Miranda}}}}}}

The Question

Aw, that sucks. :(

If it'll make you feel better, give me your number and I'll call and commiserate in a more in-person kind of way. :(


New Member
*Hands Miranda some tissue* We're all here if you vent some more.

Denny Crane

Hey Miranda.

Sorry to hear about your dog. Just relax and try not to think much, and get some rest. It'll all get better with time.



Vuhlkansu Wihs
You'll have to excuse Red. He recently found out his wife left him for a 300 pound black man with a steady job stocking shelves at a convience store. He's slightly distraught.


beer, I want beer

We had a bunny like that. Then he went postal. He had some ladies but he bit one up so badly, she died. So we called him Ted Bunny, after the serial killer. Then he almost bit Frankie's tail off, so Frankie was in the bunny hospital for a week. We had to put Ted Bunny in solitary, but he escaped. One of the kids said they found him in the woods, murdered by raccoons, execution style. I was sad about that. He only needed to be seperated, not have his neck broken. A year later, the raccoons murdered Frankie. I'm still not over that.

Your mom will have to get over it. It's not like you harmed the dogs.

Red Whacker

New Member
Sarek said:
You'll have to excuse Red. He recently found out his wife left him for a 300 pound black man with a steady job stocking shelves at a convience store. He's slightly distraught.

What's your excuse?