
Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
People get away with murder all the time...

...not everything gets neatly wrapped up by Gil, Horatio, or Nick, you know...



New Member
Yeah, but I don't have that killer thing going for me. Plus, i'm a terrible liar.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Thass not trew yew convinsed Danyel that yew are ent a Dood!


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Which means what, exactly?

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Randy said:
But he know's i'm a chick, he's seen the evidence

Prove it.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
I don't know, I'm making this up as I go along.

I liked the pic of yer boobs, I figured you had more. IF, in fact, THOSEWEREYOURREALBOOBS!! Dum-dum-dum!!

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Well, then PROVE IT! HAH! GOT YA!!


New Member
You know, the more you hassle me about it. The less I consider doing it..........


U mad 'bro?
Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!! Do It!!

Um, Yeah.


New Member
If you want to see them BG, you have to wait till I get back to Tempe...


Lady Elena's new toy
I am so sorry to hear about your dog. My Australian cattle dog, Angelina, is my best friend. Last year a friend and I had to take her dog to be put down. It was poisoned with antifreeze by some horse owners in the area. I told Rufus I loved him, and that I enjoyed all the wonderful times we spent together.