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Grant Gustin as The Flash

That episode had everything, Barry in the past, a nuclear explosion, Leeta as a MILF, Iris being a cunt, and jokes about premature ejaculation and vibrating.
Where did Chase Masterson go? Why doesn't she mind people constantly walking in and out of her house looking at holograms of dead women?
She was hot in this too! I don't get why she had to wear a blonde wig to pick up Sisco. Did they think she wasn't hot enough without the list? Because she was.

Speaking of hot, Iris in that dress was really hot. That's a good dress for her to wear.

But anyway, other than shallow hotness observations, this episode wasn't great. They tied up all the time travel stuff in the first ten minutes and then Wells' "someone else will attacked the city now that you've captured the Weather Wizard early" thing made no sense. Why wouldn't Cold and sibling have done the exact same thing in the original timeline? It's not like they said "hey there's no Weather Wizard let's go to Central City!" And what was even supposed to have happened at the end? The Flash and Cold just talked to each other and agreed to stop fighting for a while? Cold killed people! Shouldn't Flash be a bit angrier at him finding out his identity? It was kind of silly.
The Trickster episode (I think it's the next one you guys will see) was pretty good. I was afraid it would be too silly, based on the costumes, but there was some interesting stuff revealed that made up for any silliness.
A gun that can turn things into gold that Sisco apparently made in five minutes. The search for the secrets to alchemy ended on a whim!
So did the real Harrison Wells definitely die or is this a way they can have the actor come back next season as a good guy?

Mark Hamill was fun with the really over the top Star Wars reference.
I think he is really dead, but he must have inherited the memories somehow, so if the could repress or erase the other guys memories...

BTW, they couldn't get Eddie's help without revealing Barry as the flash?

Now there is only Iris in the main cast who does not know.
It's so dumb, Barry should tell Iris :rwmad:

I think the real Harrison Wells is definitely dead, but maybe Barry will figure it all out and go back and change the past OR SOMETHING.
Yeah they have his identity away to EVERYONE reall quickly just like Arrow. I guess it's so it can be more of a team show.
OMG IRIS STILL DOESN'T KNOW. I think keeping the truth from Iris is going to be the thing that breaks Iris and Eddie up, Eddie will blame Barry and then become super evil.

I think Arrow and The Flash need to hire some HUMANS WITH VAGINAS to write the female characters or some shit. How can they think everyone BUT Iris can handle the truth?

also, this The Chronicles of Cisco You probably already know about it :rwmad: