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Grant Gustin as The Flash

How will Eddie end up impregnating the same girl in this vastly altered timeline anyway (I'm giving Eddie's sperm far too much thought)?
Why don't the lock the doors at STAR Labs (twice Iris just walked in so she could dramatically complete a sentence.)
So the latest episode was pretty stupid. Barry trusts Captain Cold even though it's REALLY OBVIOUS that he shouldn't. Most of the episode is spent fighting the escaped super villains. Then they rush the fight with Wells in the last five minutes! With Oliver showing up somehow and Fire Guy just flying in and flying away as need. It was weird.
"Can it outrun the Flash?"
"You betcha!"
"Can Superman outrun the Flash?"
"Uhh, sure, why not."

Eddie should have shot himself in the balls, still no kids, but at least he gets to live.

So Barry who can go twice the speed of sound is running around a black whole that even objects travelling at the speed of light can't escape?
It was a good episode for the emotional stuff. Even Wells saying "run, Barry, run" one more time and sounding sincere was nice. I don't know if anything that happened actually made any sense though? Why did Barry even agree to let Thawne return to his own time? Why did he then change his mind about it after letting his mother stay dead? If Eddie killing himself means that Thawne was NEVER BORN then how come Barry's mother is still dead and his father still in prison? Surely none of that happened now. Caitlyn doesn't know what a singularity is? I'm guessing Fire Guy is going to die early next season since he's not in Legends Of Tomorrow and Caitlyn is supposedly going to turn evil.
Well if time is resetting because the reverse flash never existed, then...

He can't have killed Barry's mum, his dad wont be in jail, Barry will never have lived with Joe, Harrison Wells was never murdered, and he won't build the accelerator for another five years, it didn't explode, and there are no meta humans, including the flash, and Eddie had no reason to shoot himself, so Eobard might still be born after all...

Personally I blame Moffatt for this.
My favorite parts of the finale were Barry's heart to heart talks with his dads. I don't even want to try to figure out how things changed with Eddie's suicide.
I think the next season will start with the Flash running around parrallel universes that have been created by his time meddling and they'll just say "it's a new timeline!" at the end.