Troll Kingdom

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Greatest trolls

1. Of course, Skinofevil. As TheArtist said, that guy had a knack for throwing an entire board into chaos...and effect I don't think we'll ever see at TrekBBS again.
Damn, I missed out on all the good stuff at Trek BBS! :( Before I joined Wf, the only "trolls" I ever saw were of the shipper variety in ENT...and even now, most of them weren't trolls so much as overly-sensitive pansies.


But I did on occasion troll the Voyager forum. Especially Kes fans--that never gets old!
Lou The Beagle said:
Damn, I missed out on all the good stuff at Trek BBS! :( Before I joined Wf, the only "trolls" I ever saw were of the shipper variety in ENT...and even now, most of them weren't trolls so much as overly-sensitive pansies.

Those weren't trolls, they were merely annoying fucktards.

Skin was the best, hands down (and all of his incarnations). We'll never see his like again.
Colonel Kira's Left Tit said:
Skin was the best, hands down (and all of his incarnations). We'll never see his like again.

Agreed. There really was only ONE Skin. There were others who used trolling tactics well, but Skin set the barre.
Colonel Kira's Left Tit said:
Skin was the best, hands down (and all of his incarnations). We'll never see his like again.
Someone needs to drag Skin out of retirement, I know I could use a lesson or 200 in the finer arts.
I can only be a shabby imitation. But hell, even a shabby imitation of skin would be better than the majority of the competition. :D
I can't limit it to three, but here they are in no order:

1) CU: He can drive people batty. He sets up duals and gives them an honest to goodness personality that is hard to tell they are not real people. Examples at EI being: Rockhound and Jenna. EI never knew Rockhound was CU until he spilled the beans a few months after Rockhound was banned for posting as a proxy due to his NSA job. LOL. I picked up a tell and outed these two duals to him via PM. Who the hell knows how many other duals he has there.

2) GTC: Relentless and works within the rules (as he sees them) to prove his point over and over and over and over

3) Gagh: He scares me with his ability to multi post. I still wonder if half the posters here are his duals. I still suspect messenger is Gagh.

4) Dogbert: Works alone but makes over the top hillarious parodies of sterotypes that people respond to.

5) Jack: Drives people apeshit. Gotta love that ability. I also suspect him of being messenger.

misc: messenger, vkd: I suspect these two of being a dual of one of the above.
Bladev1 said:
Someone needs to drag Skin out of retirement, I know I could use a lesson or 200 in the finer arts.

Naw. MCET could've rolled over Skin. No disrespect to Skin, but MCET was multi-tool.

Its a Jordon v. Iverson.
Best Trolls?


It's hard to judge. I can surely list a lot of failures. Wait, no I can't. I don't remember any of them.

The ones I do remember are the funny ones. Gagh is surely among my top three. I saw him controlling posts at STCCGBBS many years ago. He was a high caliber troll even then. Though, he just didn't know it.

After that, I'd say Joker. He was the first person I remember trolling this board. He came through with his dual Bane. He even got himself truly hated by members of LoNAF and STBBS. Unfortunately he's found himself a life selling comic books (go figure, a nerd who leaves one nerdy arena to deal in another).

Lastly, Missmanners. Because we are all her duals.
I'm not the greatest, but I manage to piss a lot of people off just the same. how many of you when you get your e mails, mutter, "Oh shit, it's Neon!"? I rest my case.








































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































