Having trouble

Sir Sacrifyx

Sacrifyx Aloysius Bastard I
Update: I installed IE9 this morning. The board is still a little sticky here and there but it's running quite a bit quicker.

With my luck they probably just snaked a line somewhere in the mess of cables between me and wherever this fucker is stored. Probably just have to look at this wonky setup for nothing.

Thanks for the suggs folks.


BAM! The Sac-man comes through once again!

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
On my 64-bit Win7 laptop, I've had problems with Firefox for months, to the point where the browser is paralyzed in an endless loop whenever I try to access any site. It might have something to do with my overabundance of anti-everything utilities (AVG, iObit, Malwarebytes, etc.), but I still can't trace the specific root of the problem. I'm now using Google Chrome, which feels light and nimble but is also still feature-deficient. I'm dumping my history and download manager by hand every other hour!

But on my XP workstation, Firefox works just as fine as it always has.

Update: I did a complete uninstall of FF using iObit, which included all personal data, registry entries and random files scattered about the system.

After a fresh install, FF is now zippity doo-dah once more, even with AdBlockPlus, TrackMeNot and the like running full steam. Bye bye, Chrome.

This will only bite me in the ass down the road, when I discover some site I joined ages ago and didn't save the username/pw.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Like your bank :D

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Read apis.google.com is what takes the longest to load. EVERY THREAD.

Can't we get rid of that crap?


I want to smell dark matter
Threads are DEFINITELY loading slower and freezing as they get closer to 50 replies. And I've noticed the same thing as Cassie with the apis.google.com thing.

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
I have an add-on that was blocking both the G+ and Facebook buttons. I disabled it and threads went from loading pretty quickly to taking minutes to load and intermittently freezing the browser (Firefox).


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Which add-on? I want to install it :rwmad:


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Thank you! ALREADY WORKING. It's really easy to use.


I want to smell dark matter
Of course it would still help if it was disabled on the board (if possible.)


moral imperfection
Sigh. It requires clicking on more than two buttons, right? I hate it when stuff supposed to be my entertainment turns out to be work.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Menty and Hambil are in charge of the buttons.


RIP 1970~2018
The g-spot is just the backside of the nerve path that runs to and from the clitoris. In some women those nerves are a little closer to the interior of the vaginal wall. That why they can 'find' theirs. In others the nerves are deeper set in tissue and harder to reach. Everyone is a little different.

It ain't rocket science. Motherfuckers are confused.