Having trouble


beer, I want beer
Mine are gone.

Sir Sacrifyx

Sacrifyx Aloysius Bastard I
The g-spot is just the backside of the nerve path that runs to and from the clitoris. In some women those nerves are a little closer to the interior of the vaginal wall. That why they can 'find' theirs. In others the nerves are deeper set in tissue and harder to reach. Everyone is a little different.

It ain't rocket science. Motherfuckers are confused.

Belief in a g-spot implies a belief in the female orgasm, and we ALL know that's a bunch of bullshit, right guys? Guys?


RIP 1970~2018
You know how it is - A woman's orgasm is a thing no man could ever understand because, well, men aren't women. So men have been led to believe they're somehow responsible for something they couldn't possibly understand, have zero actual control over and have no way to examine to any degree of accuracy. Not much chance of fucking that up eh fellas?

Go ahead and state with whatever authority you can muster how I'm wrong so women can have a good long laugh at you behind your back.

Fucking cunt bitches.