Heroes BBC2 pace


I want to smell dark matter
Last night's was alright. I like the idea of Sylar having a teenage sidekick and the kid's acting didn't seem too terrible. Claire actually looks a lot cuter in an orange jumpsuit. Still annoying though. If that was the end of Daphne then it was a pretty lame way to kill her off. Don't really see the point in Parkman having the "paint the future" powers. Can they not drive the plot on WITHOUT visions of the future for once?
As I said in the other thread, I was pleasantly surprised. Not super duper amazing, but not the sudden drop in quality from last week I was expecting.
They really should out Nathan as "flying man" though. Is his asshole bald guy with the gun supposed to be "the hunter" they were talking about?
Yeah, he's the hunter.

I thought Tracy should have asked Nathan to fly (or hover at least) to prove he was really alone. But she's just not that smart.
I thought the episode was terrible, I am really not enjoying this chapter at all, every time they start a new chapter it just seems to be worse than the last.

Remember when people actually enjoyed having their powers?

No smiles allowed now.
Well they might not be happy, but dare I say it, this is a logical development. Right back in season 1 we were shown a future where powered humans were persecuted and locked up and it was only a matter of time until it happened in the "real" timeline.
I too am not enjoying this chapter as much. Too dark and too military for me. I always enjoy Claire's story line however. And I enjoy Nathan meeting with his mom.
I watch it in the hope that it will rise the to the heights of greatness it achieved in season/volume one....so far I have been disappointed, although this volume is better than the last.
I'm just hoping the Hunter finds out about Nathan's powers soon and gives Nathan a taste of his own medicine.
After the last season I lowered my expectations and I'm enjoying Heroes even though it's not anywhere near as good as it could be. I try to ignore the lazy writing, which helps quite a bit!
I am considering watching the heroes "uncovered" things cos they made me laugh so much last time.

"in this scene I am boiling some water on a gas hob, do you see the kettle?"
*cues shot of kettle*
"yes, anyway the props guy - this is such a funny story on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on
There's gonna be THE BIGGEST REVEAL EVER concerning the kettle soon and I can't tell you what it is but it's gonna KNOCK YOUR SOCKS OFF
Fucking hell Grunberg and Aaron Douglas should do a buddy cop movie and it would be the best movie ever.
I find it hard to describe tonight, not as bad as meh, not as good as ok.

And at the end of the 45 minutes the story is no further along than it was at the start.

This week Heroes was given a guarenteed fourth season, on the basis of this episode I have to wonder, why?