Heroes BBC2 pace

Every show Bryan Fuller works on gets cancelled so you won't have to worry about it being good for much longer!
I remembered this thread!

Today's was pretty good other than the Hiro/Ando stuff (as usual.) At least they're giving the characters some depth and shit, EH? It was pretty stupid of Noah to expect Danko to just tell the truth about Sylar in front of the other agents. Duh.

How did Mohinder get out of jail? Wasn't he locked up last week? It's too hard to keep track. His little voiceover at the end seemed to be totally unconnected to the rest of the episode. And I hope there's a good reason Angela needed them to dig up those bones instead of just telling them "there's bones here."
Digging up the bones was kinda pointless. I was hoping there would be some buried treasure OR SOMETHING.
Did anyone notice the flyers in the previous episode (which I thought was pretty good, btw)? There was one when Angela was on the phone at the beginning in NY and another on a phone wherever Claire and Nathan were. They said something about a job. Must mean something in a future episode.

I'm watching the Angela episode now. Interesting so far. Angela said the company erased a lot of memories trying to cover up the existence of powers, so that should explain why Chandra Suresh didn't know he worked at the camp and forgot what he'd learnt. He still had some files left (the ones given to Mohinder), so they might've been just enough to get him researching powers once again, with no memory of exactly what he'd previously learnt.
Oh yeah, I forgot the Haitian can conveniently explain why people don't remember things (where is he anyway?) I still thought they changed the compnay's origin a bit (didn't they say before they started to protect the world from people like them? But now it was like they started to keep themselves secret from the world and protect themselves.)

Bollocks. I was actually looking forward to the next episode of Heroes for the first time in two years. I really liked the Angela episode... it was like a normal good tv show for once.
Just saw the last two epsiodes.

What a pile of shite.

I mean, okay, there were some good bits. But ruined as always by the typical Heroes shite.

They actually tried to do some character stuff in the first one with Sylar shifting into his mother (the pervert) and back, which was okay. Except for the shape-shifting clothes. WHAT, ARGH. How....oh fuck it.

Hiro and Ando HAVE THE EXACT SAME BORING FUCKING CONVERSATION they have in every episode where Ando says Hiro's jealous of him then Hiro admits that he is and agress to work as partners. AGAIN. And so much for the future jump where Ando was killing evil Hiro ("but the timeline changed!" SO WHY SHOW IT IN THE FIRST PLACE.) Then Hiro's going to die beause his body is rejecting his power because he's "still human" according to Mohinder. So why isn't EVERY other hero's body rejecting their power? Sylar has 38 abilities so surely his brain should have exploded long before Hiro's? JUST KILL HIM OFF. THEY ONLY KEEP HIM AND ANDO FOR PC. Oh, and when they were making a big deal about how Hiro stopped time for both him and Ando at once I was SURE it had happened before but I guess maybe it hadn't.

Angela dreams the future but SUDDENLY she can't change the future and her dreams have to happen exactly. EVEN THOUGH in previous episodes we've seen her have dreams that didn't come true (like everyone dying in the hospital corridor, oh and she dreams New York was going to blow up which was the whole reason for season one but that was stopped.) But now "whatever happened happened" I guess. YEAH, GRAPES.

Mohinder's as useful as a choclate brick as usual. Matt doesn't ask his ex-wife why she told him the baby was another man's. Claire is annoying.

Pete/Nathan have the big season finale fight with Sylar...and it happens behind closed doors. YEAH, THANKS FOR THAT.


Then the Nathan shit...how the FUCK can Angela think this is a good idea? Even if she did it out of grief and shit she's still supposed to be a cold-blooded master manipulator who always plans ahead. But now she's "DURP I'LL ACT LIKE SYLAR IS REALLY MY SON WHAT CAN POSSIBLY GO WRONG WITH THAT."


So I next season is basically just going to be Nathan fighting his "inner demon" for 14 episodes until he finanlly turns into Sylar or him and Sylar are split into two bodies somehow or something.

Or maybe Nathan will just magically come back to life with no explanation like at the start of season three.

Oh yeah, remember Claire's magic blood that can bring the dead back to life? I guess they didn't want to waste any on Nathan.
Yeah, really disappointing, did they spend all their budget some place else and suddenly realise they had a finally and nothing exciting to put in it?

I am sick of these constant excuses to depower Hiro, why not just kill the fucker?

They should have just stuck to their original plan of having new actors every season.
Wacky, I thought most of those things along the way too. The first episode was a bit slow, but I didn't mind since I thought it was setting up for something good and I did like the Sylar stuff, but the finale was awful.

It's not even like it had to end like that. Just bad writing. I can believe that Peter would be allowed to touch the President and shapeshift into him, but would the secret service really let the heroes take away the body of the guy who tried to run a one-man coup? Or would they take it and make sure it was disposed of for good? And Matt's mind meld... that just didn't make any sense. He doesn't have every one of Nathan's memories and he couldn't get them from the corpse, so how could he make Sylar not just believe he was Nathan, but even act and talk like him? Just stupid.
I THINK Sylar got all over Nathan's memories by touching him becuase he has that ability to know the history of objects? He said something earlier in the episode about taking all Nathan's memories (when he had him prisoner.) I think.

What happened to Danko? Why did he just randomly decide to attack Noah with a needle there? Did he die? Why did he hates super powered people so much in the first place anyway/