Heroes BBC2 pace


I want to smell dark matter
Yeah I know it's shown on BBC3 or something as well and some people who have downloaded it probably haven't even caught up with the BBC2 episodes because it's only fucking Heroes, but here are my thoughts on the latest episodes showon BBC2: the first two episodes of whichever volume or season we're on now.

Okay, as at the end of the last season/volume, Hiro was told "IF YOU USE YOUR POWERS AGAIN YOU WILL DIE!!!" And here he is...using his powers. Again. Yeah he gets a nose bleed and stuff but he was supposed to, you know, die.

So he changes things so that Ando marries his hot sister somehow. Why would Ando want to marry someone who's been a bitch to him for 14 years just because he spilled a drink (I KNOW HE DOESN'T KNOW THIS IN THE NEW TIMELINE.)

Claire has an over-eager knew friends with big shoulders who's obviously a lesbian lol. Claire is fucking pointless.

The Sylar in Matt's head stuff was pretty good and Quinto brought the awesome as always, even making fun of Matt's weight and stuff (lol he's fat.)

The Peter stuff was okay. When did Noah and his wife split up? Where's Shithinder (Mohinder)? Why is Ali Larter killing people again?

Ray Park is cool but crappy tv shows and movies just bring him in to make their fight scenes slightly cooler.

Ando's actually had a thing for Kimiko since season 1.

I liked the first four eps of the new season... it seemed more thoughtful and interesting than it usually is, but the shit with Hiro/Ando MUST stop if the show is ever to be any good.
I know he has, but why would she like him back when she HATED HIM just for something as petty as spilling a drink? She's a sociopath!
Some things just arent subtle though.

Claire meets girl obsessed by murder.

Claire introduces murder girl to room mate.

Room mate turns up dead.

Murder girl turns up excited about murder.

Murder girl discovers Claire can survive death, ie, if she is the murderer, she now has a friend she can murder over and over again.
Hiro and Ando do get better, just hang in there!

Some stuff this season is much better, other stuff is the same. I actually thought Claire was better this season, maybe because she is away from Noah at school and he's not Claire-bearing her all the time.

Mohinder is still around, but he's not in this season very much. I think he might have been in only 2 episodes.

(can't wait til you guys see the Thanksgiving episode, it was funny sometimes!)
Why are you all still watching this show? Shouldn't you be doing something more fun, like organizing the sock drawer, or alphabetizing all the food in youre fridge?
I still like it. I don't know what everyone hates so much about it, last season was kinda sucky but this season it's pretty good.
If so, then she's gone forever. Remember, Peter took her from the "present" into that future, so if Hiro wiped it out, then PETER KILLED HER!!

See, this is why Heroes will never be as good as a true fanboy show like Buffy. There are TONS of continuity problems.
IF Hiro changed the timeline before Peter took her, then maybe Peter never even met her.
From what I remember, Peter took her to the future, then went back in time and changed it so that future didn't exist, thereby wiping her from existence.
^^Yeah, that's what I thought. When he took her "present" self, she didn't exist in the current timeline, only in the alternate future. If anything, there were TWO of her in that future. So Peter is responsible for her death AND OMFG I'M WASTING MY TIME DEBATING THE CONTINUITY ERRORS OF A SUB-PAR SHOW!!
HEY SO the third episode was actually pretty good. No Hiro, Deaf Girl seems like a decent character with an interesting power, Sylar making fun of Matt is amusing, the main bad guy can control THE EARTH and Claire...looked...quite...cute...I...thought (sorry. STILL HUGELY OVERRATED DON'T GET ME WRONG.)
Yeah, I like deaf lady and Peter's scenes, as well as the Matt/Sylar stuff. I think Hiro's back spoiling it again next week though.