Heroes BBC2 pace

Shame on the guests at that party though, it was only one woman turned Samuel away, they didnt all deserve to be sucked into the ground.
Actually, THEY DO.

Hiro will be back, but he isn't as annoying this season. He is a little annoying still, but not as bad as last season. I think I said that ALREADY.
OH. I think he did beat that guy to death, or maybe he didn't.. can't remember. They don't really ever mention that again, AS USUAL.
So tonight's episode had Hiro going back in time to stop a guy from photocopying his butt. 47 times.

Is there anything else to say?
I liked that Zylar as Nathan had more morals than the real Nathan, who probably didn't have his memory wiped by the haitian, and probably got his mother to clean up the mess for him.

I don't think they ever mentioned Nathan being a fighter pilot before, is that a top gun reference?

Yeah Hiros bit was beyond stupid, considering how using his power is meant to be whats killing him, although I did like the on subtle aspect of it.

WHen he first goes up on the roof he is so terrified of heights he can barely look over the edge, but by the end he is so used to it he can sit with his legs over the side.
Oh, it was good that they finally remembered that "object memory" power Sylar has. Remember Angela MURDERING a girl by "feeding" her to Sylar a few volumes ago back when she was trying to convince him he was her son...for some reason.
Hiro is still a bit retarded, but I think they have a good explanation for it, AND Ando isn't being his goofy sidekick all the time.
Tonight's was pretty good. No Hiro and at least the Claire stuff was relevant and they explain who murdered her room mate. Though that was the least sexy lesbian kiss ever. I liked the Peter stuff with Deaf Woman. Though in typical Heroes fashion they'll probably just repeat the same scenes every episode. I thought the English doctor who talked to Sylar was hot, OKAY?
It looked like they wanted Martha for the role, couldn't get her, so got someone who looked and talked very much like her.
It looked like a black, British actress auditioned for a role, along with 20 or so other candidates, and was chosen as the best. That's so weird.

It was a pretty good episode. I laughed when the deaf woman started walking backwards into the road "why are you doing that? Now Peter will have to save you!" and sure enough, there he was. Typical. :)

Peter has an odd idea of how legs work. He seems to think if they don't work then you should hit them a few times, like you would with a torch that won't switch on.

Glad to see deaf woman's power has a use as well. The pretty colours were all very well, but it was starting to look like she was a human screensaver. I wonder if she'll need her violin or a cello with her everytime she gets in a pickle?

Hmm. The Gretchen thing. Rather you than me, Claire.
The english actress was also in the Doctor Who episode 'The Long Game' (I'm not saying this means they "wanted Martha for the role" since that's almost certainly not true, I'm just saying.) I THINK SHE WAS HOT, SORRY.

And I hate it when I look at Claire's bum in jeans or at her cleavage in really obvious cleavage shots. I feel like I'm letting myself down.
In this episode there was a bit where she was wearing a dress and looked up because invisible girl had just dropped something, SO YEAH, BUT NOT MUCH, DON'T JUDGE ME, I DON'T EVEN LIKE HER.