Heroes BBC2 pace

Why do they give so much screentime to Claire when she's the worst character?

I liked it when Sylar (in Matt's body) ordered a DIET Coke.
I really liked them killing off Matt until they cut back to Peter and it dawned on me (rather late, I admit) that he'd obviously "save" him, then Matt would be really angry with him and Sylar would probably say something like "ah, just the person I've been looking for... or should I say, your brother." [evil glare]
Isn't Matt in Texas and Peter in New York? Seems pretty unlikely they'll bring him to Peter's hospital!
Isn't Matt in Texas and Peter in New York? Seems pretty unlikely they'll bring him to Peter's hospital!

Good thing Sylar-Nathan can fly, eh?

But he shouldn't be able to! Sylar didn't cut open Nathan's head when he killed him in season three! Though I guess maybe his empathy from that subplot earlier in the season allowed it, since he assumed Nathan's psyche? They never really bothered to follow up on that (the empathic mimicry).
He was already flying before he killed Nathan, took his power while they were fighting.

They'll probably have Hiro teleport Peter to Parkman.
Umm, how long has Mohinder had a wife for?

Also, in this episode we find out Samuel's powers are increased when he's surrounded by "specials". He's been surrounding himself with specials all season. But he doesn't KNOW that that will increase his powers yet (that's why he wanted the film). So WHY was he surrounding himself with "specials" before this episode? Just for a laugh?

Nevermind the fact that about 10 cops shooting to kill managed to cause so little injury to Matt Parkman that he would have made a full recovery even without Peter's healing powers.
And Claire's head totally should have broken off instead of her foot and she should have died and never been mentioned again.
SO the first episode showed exactly what's good and bad about Heroes: the scenes with Sylar/Nathan, Peter and Angela were actually good and well acted...while the scenes with Claire's thanksgiving dinner were utter time wasting shite. Is there some rule that Claire has to take up 50% of every episode? She can't act, she just says the same "I just want a normal life!" stuff again and again...what is the point?

And there was stuff with Hiro and Samuel I guess (where was Hiro in the second episode?) Everytime they show Samuel now he just seems more like a generic villain rather than the "kind of interesting" he appeared to be at first. Also it was REALLY annoying when the supposedly angry Hiro kept calling him "butterfly man."

Didn't Puppet Guy die?

I guess Nathan is actually DEAD DEAD DEAD FUCKIGN DEAD AT LAST now? Oh wait, time for another crap Claire scene!
Yeah, when the puppet guy turned up I said to myself "aren't you dead?", but I don't have enough invested in this show to ever remember plotlines now. Thought it was dumb that Claire hugged him, but at least they acknowledged that when she explained who he was to Gretchen.

"Butterfly man" is Hiro's most annoying annoying nickname so far.

The Petrelli stuff was good though.
Just seen them both tonight, the one thing that niggles at me is this.

Peter's power is taking other peoples powers, but Reneé (the hatians) power is blocking other peoples powers, so why didnt he block Peters power to take a power?

I guess they are saying he has to turn it no for it to work, but we have never seen this in action before, it was always just on all the time, unless I am remembering wrong.
So did I miss an episode or what? The last time I remember seeing present day Hiro he was still in the circus. Then last week during the montage he was running about a forest with Mohinder. Then this week he appears in Japan and, FOR NO FUCKING REASON, starts talking in sci-fi references. What the fuck?

Hayden acting is TERRIBLE. She was downright embarrassing when she was confronting Samuel. Oh and hey, what a shock, Puppet Guy is still a mentally unstable creep. WHO COULD HAVE SEEN THAT COMING (not Claire)?

The scenes with Samuel and Deaf Girl were alright.
Possibly the worst episode of Heroes ever.

The comic book referencing illness was practically shark jumping territory and the Claire stuff really was duuuulllll. My attention span is stretched by most things nowadays, but this episode really took the biscuit. I'd stop watching the show right now, except I know it's only possible for it to improve from this point onward.

The stuff with Samuel and the deaf woman was okay, but in any other episode it would've been the boring bit.

And those Irish accents from the kids?! JAYSUS CHROIST ULMOITY