Heroes BBC2 pace

why did they even make Samuel and his brother Irish anyway? Do they just have an obsession with cating american actors as Irish characters?
Not just that, but they always have to be that OIRISH OIRISH BLARNEY BLARNEY ARR YE'VE FAND ME PAT AV GORLD type Irish. I mean, do those people even exist anywhere in the world or are they just a Hollywood invention?!

I forgot about the Nathany bits. They were okay. The ceremony seemed pretty true to life, but it's probably quite difficult to fuck up a tv funeral. Ashes to ashes, blah to blah, we all know the script already. Peter's eulogy was typically schmaltzy, but hey, he loves his big brother.
That's a relief, I thought I was going to be the only one thought this episode sucked donkey balls.

I kept waiting for Zylar to turn up at the funeral and fuck everyone up, but I guess they left that job to the writers.

The boys accents were atrocious, are there no real irish kids they could have used?

One of the kids seemed to waver between scotish and geordie.
In fact just for Dual some of the other heroes

Nafan Patrelle
Peder Patrelle
Fat Porkman
Clare Benet
Hero Nackermoney
The Hatan
and many moore
I don't really remember much of what happened tonight. Sylar was in it a bit with Tattoo Girl so that was kind of okay. Then at the end he went back to kill or rape Claire, I guess. She's in it too much still. And Ray Park returned but just regressed back to being a villain.
I like the way they kept mentioning West, then couldn't be bothered to hire him for even a tiny cameo, but just assumed you would get that he visited Peter and gave him his power.
So, a whole episode about busting Mohinder out of the nut house. Wouldn't he have been a bit crazier after spending months there all drugged up? Hiro said "jawa juice" and I laughed but only at the memory of the robot waitress saying it in Episode 2, not at Hiro.

I can't really remember everything that happened in these two episodes but I'm pretty sure it was mostly shit.

Sylar goes to Claire for some really shitty advice. SYLAR? WHAT THE FUCK? Then the "cliffhanger" is Sylar showing up at Matt's house. WOW THAT WAS SO SHOCKING.

I guess they pussied out on the Claire lesbian thing so she just "holds hands" with shoe face.

OH, I remembered, Hiro went on "trial" for crimes against time or some shit. Somehow this meant his inoperable brain tumour could be easily removed. At least George Takei got a payday.

How come at the start of the season it looked like Ali Larter was Noah's new partner and possible romance but they've totally replaced her with Kate from Angel?

I wasn't going to sit and watch Heroes for an hour and a half, so I was in chat with these on in the background. I'm glad to see they made just as little sense to anyone who was devoting full attention to them. It saddens me to think how much money is wasted on such an awful show.
SO I watched the last two episodes.

So Peter and Sylar are in Sylar's mind together for years. And Sylar turns good. But, umm, why? They kind of skip off why he's turned good now. He just says he's repented and Peter believes him and they get out. I guess it's better than creating another retcon about what made him evil in the first place.

Then we get flashbacks for Noah inserted which have nothing to do with the plot at all. But hey, Eric Roberts was good in The Dark Knight.

The finale was actually GOOD(!) by Heroes standards, for the most part. I mean, I could complain about Alir Larter just showing up, saying one line, and disappearing for no reason (does she get paid the same as everyone else?) And the scene with Hiro and Charlie being a rip-off of 'Blink' from Doctor Who (but still a good scene by Heroes standards!) And Sameul's powers completely disappearing at the end when there were no "specials" about, even though PETER WAS STILL THERE and even though his powers have worked before without any "specials" being about (like when he destroyed the mansion). And how Sylar did fuck all really considering all the trouble Peter went to and anyone could have just rescued Emma. And Claire being FUCKING RETARDED at the end.

But, umm, it wasn't all bad!
If the first episode of the next season (if it happens [and I hope it doesn't]) should be just every other character beating the shit out of Claire for the entire episode, and then ending the episode with her being fired into the sun.
The only thing I really liked was the ending. IF there's another season, it'll be interesting to see where they go with that.
I think by repeating a scene from the very first episode, with Claire jumping on camera, it was there way of saying "We expect this to be the last one"
Except that was the preview of Volume Six. And I think the last thing I read said they will get a limited fifth season (WHY?)

Hey, remember how the preview of Volume Five was Tracy killing some Company guy but that had nothing to do with the story, really?