Heroes BBC2 pace

I've only got one more episode left to watch this season. I have been mostly satisfied with it this year.. still not as great as the first season (what show ever is?). I hope it doesn't get canceled, but I bet it does :(
So the deaf woman played another instrument and watched the pretty colours...again...

The Sylar stuff was okay. Did Peter do something? Can't remember. Noah's going to look after some kid who is a bad actor.
Mmm, thought the same about the bits with the deaf woman, though they were nicely done. I didn't pay any attention during Claire's scenes, did anything happen? The guy Noah helped looked like that kid Sylar sorta made friends with last season, only with long hair and a different power.

I LOLed at the shots of Sylar being forced to watch old episodes as he screamed in terror. HIRARIOUS.
Oh yeah, I was annoyed that hot police doctor wasn't in it again and according to IMDB she isn't in it EVER AGAIN.
I notice ghostbuster cop had his wife with him, did they kill her too?

It would be good if they picked up the pace a bit.
OOOOH, that was Winston Zedmore? I recognised the name but didn't make the connection. Maybe his wife just thinks he got lost in the hall of mirrors.
It'd be ironic if she got lost in the hall of mirrors herself, trapped in a room where all the mirrors show scenes of Peter's Oirish girlfriend.
I notice Peter with the power to teleport anywhere in space and time didnt go back to irleand to prevent the other him from taking her to the future.
So tonight's was certainly an episode of Heroes.

The Claire stuff was awful as always. And lesbian girls sounds like a bit of a slut. If she doesn't normaly likes girls, why would she like Kate? Shes' hardly a stunner.

LOL at the Death Boy dying though.

The Matt Drinking Sylar To Death thing was dumb until the TWIST ending and Quinto is always awesome so that's good.
Mmm. The Claire stuff was pretty lame and felt like an teen slasher movie. The music even sounded similar to the Halloween theme tune. Didn't care much for Noah's story either, though ending it on a downer was unexpected, even if Heroes has gone and killed off yet another newly introduced, minor powered character, which is what they always seem to do.

I liked the Parkman stuff, but mostly because it wasn't Hiro stuff.

Oh and the lesbo plotline is moronic. Why would Claire be interested in Gretchen? And how's Gretchen managed to rack up that many partners? She's a lanky, figureless she-nerd.
Yeah, she was a shy nerd who didn't fit in who stalked Claire into being her friend...and now she's SUPER STUD 38?
So, tonight's was actually good! It was almost a remake of a season one episode, granted, but I enjoyed Hiro actually thinking about his time travel actions and someone saying "YOU CAN'T JUST MEDDLE IN TME YOU FUCKTARD" to him. Though of course she still loved him at the end. Then she got kidnapped anyway.

I was disappointed to see Mohinder's name in the credits but happy to see him dead. (I saw Isaac's name in the credits too but he only appeared in stock footage, SO THAT WAS A BIT GAY.) Also I hope there's a reason behind this Noah storyline and the blond woman (IT WAS KATE FROM ANGEL I KNEW THAT WITHOUT TOMTREK TELLING ME) shows up again.
I doubt it was intentional, but it was weird how Noah's mistress looked a lot like a grown up Claire.

Considering it was a Hiro ep, it wasn't too bad, but the minimized inclusion of Ando helped a lot. Nice to see Mr Izaaaaaaac and Eden, even if it was just from an old episode.