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I Answer All Questions About LOST

Oh.. I remember seeing that first image, but only briefly. Didn't notice that second one at all.

I hope they explain a little about why Ben is so creepy about things. First he and apparently the rest of the others, judge the Losties for the things they've done in the past, then he insists Locke kill his own father. I thought that was really strange.

I can't remember the guy's name yet.. but the one who came and gave Locke the file on Sawyer.. Do you think he was being truthful with Locke or was he just part of Ben's plan? I mean when he said something about Ben distracting them with all the fertility stuff, and Locke reminding them that there are more important things they can be doing. Also..what is so special about Locke? Others have been healing from wounds too, or is it only because Locke is near that they can heal?

WTF are you guys talking about, we're gonna have to wait till January for the next season? grrrr.

Cassie said:
I can't believe Jack is being all secretive like the fucking Others... what is it that Juliet wanted to tell Kate?

yeah, Emo Jack's really getting on my nerves too...that was too condescending for words. Kate comes and shows she still trusts him, [even in light of the fact that he's the only one who can't see Juliet is a mole!] - and this is how he thanks her?

And the little tidbit that on the Island mens' sperm is increased five hundred fold increased (or whatever the number was ) makes it pretty damn likely Kate's preggers, IMHO.

"I'm sorry - he's not who we thought he was" from Ben was hysterical - like it's a failing of Locke's not to kill a man -who's tied up to a tree- in cold blood!
...Even if he is the biggest asshole in creation...wait! Was that a test?
Whatever; Locke is still culpable in Cooper's death by letting Sawyer know who he was. Locke knew full bloody well Sawyer would go off the deep end ..and Cooper seemed to deliberately go out of his way to goad Sawyer to violence....

And wasn't the Helpful Harry who gave Sawyer's file to Locke the same guy in the suit that recruited Juliet?
Richard Alpert... who recruited Juliet to come to "not in Portland." Yeah... also the guy with Ben when they had Locke chained to that pipe.

Here's what I think: Cooper needed to go for some reason. He was some sort of impediment, or he fucked with the wrong people and got disappeared. There's a big theme on that island that not only do you clean up your own mess, but what you do comes back on you... a karma sort of thing. So Ben... once again... manipulated Locke into taking care of a problem and taking the Karma for the killing on himself. Classic Ben maneuver.

When Locke wouldn't do it, Richard steps in and says "oh well, read this file and here's the solution to your problem so everyone wins."

Here's an interesting question: it was revealed that the Others compiled dossiers on each 815er through Mikhail... ok? Then how did they find out Sawyer killed shrimp guy the night before the flight? The Aussie police didn't know that or they would have held him for murder. How did the Others find out about that?
CoyoteUgly said:
Richard Alpert... who recruited Juliet to come to "not in Portland." Yeah... also the guy with Ben when they had Locke chained to that pipe.

Here's what I think: Cooper needed to go for some reason. He was some sort of impediment, or he fucked with the wrong people and got disappeared. There's a big theme on that island that not only do you clean up your own mess, but what you do comes back on you... a karma sort of thing. So Ben... once again... manipulated Locke into taking care of a problem and taking the Karma for the killing on himself. Classic Ben maneuver.

When Locke wouldn't do it, Richard steps in and says "oh well, read this file and here's the solution to your problem so everyone wins."

Makes sense. As for Richard, never trust a man who wears eyeliner, IMHO.

Here's an interesting question: it was revealed that the Others compiled dossiers on each 815er through Mikhail... ok? Then how did they find out Sawyer killed shrimp guy the night before the flight? The Aussie police didn't know that or they would have held him for murder. How did the Others find out about that?

This one's been bugging me for awhile, and it's the second time it's come up. I don't see how they could know about it at all, unless they're somehow tied in with Old Smokey and his brain scanning schtick. But then that would only work if Sawyer had been scanned by Old Smokey. Perhaps the boar that was stalking him in the first season was really the smoke monster?

Yeah, it's a longshot but it's all I got.
Colonel Kira's Left Tit said:
This one's been bugging me for awhile, and it's the second time it's come up. I don't see how they could know about it at all, unless they're somehow tied in with Old Smokey and his brain scanning schtick. But then that would only work if Sawyer had been scanned by Old Smokey. Perhaps the boar that was stalking him in the first season was really the smoke monster?

Yeah, it's a longshot but it's all I got.

I would agree, except when we see Smokey doing the scanning routine, he's always in smoke form.

Here's the closest I can get to an explanation: almost from the beginning, I've felt that many of the 815ers were manipulated into getting on that plane. Claire certainly was, Jin and Sun were, I think Jack was, you can make a case Kate was, perhaps Locke was but I don't know.

Was Sawyer also manipulated? Hibbs directed Sawyer to Australia under the idea that Frank Duckett was the original Sawyer. The accepted wisdom is that Hibbs lied to manipulate James into rubbing out Duckett who had a price on his head by telling him "that's the man you've been looking for." Maybe so. Now with Cooper, that's twice Sawyer's been manipulated into executing someone. The first one was misdirection... what if this one was too?

But, it's the Aussie police that deported Sawyer and put him on that plane after Sawyer punched out the Minister of Agriculture in a pub. WTF is a Minister of Anything doing in a pub getting into a barfight? Ain't buying it.

So, was it a one-two punch from someone that got him down there and then developed a reason to get him on that flight? That's stretching it, but it's all too freaky.

Here's another question in case everyone's bored with the first one? Why weren't the crash rescue searchers bothered by the fact that a plane going from Sydney to LA winds up off the coast of Bali? The Marianas trench would be more believable, but Bali?

It's interesting that Bali is almost on a straight line between Sydney and Thailand... or perhaps India, and you know what's about to go down there.
I was going to mention the Bali thing in my last post. It's in the wrong direction and it's in the Indian Ocean. Cooper said the plane was found in the Pacific. So either nobody bothered looking at a map and it's a production fuckup, or...huh.
Colonel Kira's Left Tit said:
I was going to mention the Bali thing in my last post. It's in the wrong direction and it's in the Indian Ocean. Cooper said the plane was found in the Pacific. So either nobody bothered looking at a map and it's a production fuckup, or...huh.

Yeah, he did say "Pacific" didn't he?

Either a production gaffe as you say, or maybe Cooper was being ambiguous. Indonesia is sort of in the Pacific. Or are there two planes? Or three?
BTW, there's some discussion over at The Fuselage that the Bali reference might have been a script error, and they meant Fiji instead. That's a hell of a mistake, and I'll bet it gets addressed in the next podcast.

Here's a map someone made to show the flightpath:

The only things that make me think the Bali reference is legit is that Kate once told Sun she was on her way to explore Bali, and Bali is in direct line to Thailand... where Jack spent some time.
What do you think about this 3 seasons of 16 episodes news? To me it seems like the studio trying to drag the show out when the writers really want two more seasons.

Woah.. just as I write this the guy who plays Artz is on TV.. hehe.
Due to the episode being called "The man behind the curtain" which the producers claim is a wizard of oz reference I would venture that there is no Jacob.
Jacob is something.. I thought Ben was nuts till whatever Jacob is started whooshing around the room.

@ CoyoteUgly: How could you go fishing at a time like this?
That was some freaky shit. Ben was definitely giving off a Norman Bates vibe at first in the cabin, but then Locke made the mistake of turning on his flashlight, crap started flying around the room and Jacob was visible for a split second sitting in the chair.

The line of grey powder surrounding the area as Locke and Ben were approaching the cabin was interesting as well. Does Ben have Jacob "trapped" in that zone? And what about the never-aging Richard Alpert?
Colonel Kira's Left Tit said:
That was some freaky shit. Ben was definitely giving off a Norman Bates vibe at first in the cabin, but then Locke made the mistake of turning on his flashlight, crap started flying around the room and Jacob was visible for a split second sitting in the chair.

The line of grey powder surrounding the area as Locke and Ben were approaching the cabin was interesting as well. Does Ben have Jacob "trapped" in that zone? And what about the never-aging Richard Alpert?

Oh yes I thought I saw Jacob, then I thought I must be crazy... I'm glad there are screenshots! I was thinking Jacob must be the same thing as the smoke monster and all the other things people see on the island.. but I totally forgot about the gray powder. It's like in that Chevy Chase movie, lol.. too bad smokey doesn't snort it all up.

I don't think Locke is really gonna die.. maybe Alex will come to his rescue. I haven't read the spoilers yet, so I could be completely wrong.

I did notice that Alpert didn't age, I think they're deliberately trying to make us think they're in hell or purgatory.. but I think it's more likely another dimension or something similar. It does make me want to start a purgatory thread at to get all the anti-purgatory people mad.
I actually like the purgatory theory, but it's a little too obvious and Lindelof and whatsisface have denied it about a thousand times now. Then again, they've always said there were real world answers to what was going on...and I have a bit of difficulty figuring out how things like the Smoke Monster and angry invisible ghost dude in a remote cabin fit into a real world scenario.

Okay. More speculation.


Jacob wants Locke's help for some reason. Ben is probably afraid that Locke will usurp his authority and become Jacob's new favorite Other, which is why he ended up shooting Locke's ass and leaving him in the Dharma pit. Locke will probably survive, healed again by Jacob, "the island" or whatever's going on there.

WAAAAAAAALLLLLTTTTT was also 'special"...probably the reason Ben decided to get rid of him as well.

Locke's comment to Richard Alpert early in the episode, "You DO remember birthdays, don't you Richard?" seems to indicate that Richard is some sort of immortal. As are the rest of his group of "Hostiles". Jacob, whatever he is, probably is as well.

I don't know exactly what I was expecting from "The Man Behind the Curtain", but it certainly wasn't any of that. :) I like how the show throws these weird curveballs every now and then and keeps me guessing.

One more regular episode left, and one two-hour season finale. Then we wait until January.
There's not much up at but there are some screens for next week. There's a picture of Sayid and two kinda fat guys, neither of them look like Hurley, and one of them has a gun. Looks like they're target practicing..