Troll Kingdom

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I was cravenly banned for eternity from TrekBBS for no reason at all. Very cowardly.

I think we need to hear more about the Space Cavemen.

You mean the "Klingons" we've been suffering with for what will be 30 years come Pearl Harbor Day 2009?

You're another TrekBBS dude I see:) Still on there?

For all to read:
My list of crimes that got me eternabanned from TrekBBS>

Abusive overuse of the word aficionado & it's plural aficionados. Plus words & terms using aficionado as the prefix.

Calling actor Dean Stockwell Dean Spockwell too often.

Calling actor Scott Bakula Count Bakula.

Abusive overkill use of emoticons, smileys & thread tags.

Highlighting text too often.

Somehow, praising a female Cardassian's fanfic with an innocuous comment, generated a shitestorm. I found her fanfic better than some Pocket Books' "canon" TrekLit. So effing what? That was a big deal for some asinine buttmunch reason.

Threads asking practical questions about avatars & like items, in the QSF & Internal Hails forums, which seemed to irritate TrekBBS's PTB for some irrational reason.

I think, now in hindsight, I crashed or "invaded" some posters threads. Guilty as charged. Was epic dumb of me.

One too many overly silly posts & threads.

Not being a 1-D caricature Star Trek fan poster & knee-jerkedly mindlessly towing the TrekBBS party line & being a drip mudstick Herbert prude anal retentive drone, which many, NOT ALL, TrekBBS posters are. I can think of a dozen or so, at most,who are exceptions to that at TrekBBS. But most are caricatures of caricatures of ST fanatics.

My final signature, before my expulsion, which was:

I don't know what smells worse, my beard or my arse. If we're ever at the same convention you'll nose which one for sure.

Probable bitching & whining to TrekBBS mods & admins by regular TrekBBS posters about me via PMs & the Mod Notify buttons.

Plus God knows what else.

There you have it folks. The rap sheet of the Pol Pot of TrekBBS.

Message boreds indeed:)
No Trek book is canon, except possibly "Mosaic" and "Pathways". The only canon sources for Trek are the movies and the series. The Animated Series is not considered canon, except for the episode "Yesteryear".

All very true, which is why I put canon in quotes - "canon".

Officially, NO TrekLit counts as part of ST canonuity. Sans what you mentioned & any other novelizations &/or comic book adaptations of ST episodes &/or movies.
Steelers SUCK!


How fortuitous to have found this last night while looking for a Sixburgh mug. Enjoy! :biggrin:

blahblahblah, I'm a self-important downs baby who is incrediby butthurt over my banishment from a crappy, over-modded, geeky board. Yet, I'm still gonna act surprised, indignant, etc.

So, basically, you're a moron?

Thanks T'Bonz. I know you've had it out for this place for quite some time, but did you have to send us this guy? I mean, why do they come here? Why does TK end up with these unfunny, autist, basement-dwelling morons who think that being banned from a board like TBBS makes them a "big scawwy twoll"? When in all reality, they are really that stupid.

As for you, mr. aquawhatever, you're not funny. You're an idiot. You're gonna end up on TK's (unfortunately large) list of illustrious windowlickers. Some names there include: JillianBacardi, Starguard, OMGit'sRobby, imperium, jack (and all his dancers), falconarg, and ceejay/BLACKFOOT. There's more, but trying to think of them makes me want to jab a screwdriver through my ear canal.

Here's a piece of advice, aqualongassnameI'mnotgonnaremember, do a goddamned barrel roll and quit droning on about your sandy vagina.

Welcome to TK. Now, kindly GTFO.
So, basically, you're a moron?

Thanks T'Bonz. I know you've had it out for this place for quite some time, but did you have to send us this guy? I mean, why do they come here? Why does TK end up with these unfunny, autist, basement-dwelling morons who think that being banned from a board like TBBS makes them a "big scawwy twoll"? When in all reality, they are really that stupid.

As for you, mr. aquawhatever, you're not funny. You're an idiot. You're gonna end up on TK's (unfortunately large) list of illustrious windowlickers. Some names there include: JillianBacardi, Starguard, OMGit'sRobby, imperium, jack (and all his dancers), falconarg, and ceejay/BLACKFOOT. There's more, but trying to think of them makes me want to jab a screwdriver through my ear canal.

Here's a piece of advice, aqualongassnameI'mnotgonnaremember, do a goddamned barrel roll and quit droning on about your sandy vagina.

Welcome to TK. Now, kindly GTFO.

Your post here, ^, is what's missing & needed oh so badly at TrekBS & all message boreds of it's ilk:)

T'Bonz had nothing to do with my presence here. GOOGLE did:) I googled bunch items 'bout aficionados banned from TrekBS & this here board came up few times during search:)


Is The Baba's WF worth bothering with?

Ignorant me. I called Scott Bakula Count Bakula many times on TrekBS. Found out few days 'go Count Bakula is a term for trolls. It is?? Since when? Says who?

That's news to me. If that website I read is right, then Count Bakulas are gnomes. NOT EFFING TROLLS!

So, basically, you're a moron?

Thanks T'Bonz. I know you've had it out for this place for quite some time, but did you have to send us this guy? I mean, why do they come here? Why does TK end up with these unfunny, autist, basement-dwelling morons who think that being banned from a board like TBBS makes them a "big scawwy twoll"? When in all reality, they are really that stupid.

As for you, mr. aquawhatever, you're not funny. You're an idiot. You're gonna end up on TK's (unfortunately large) list of illustrious windowlickers. Some names there include: JillianBacardi, Starguard, OMGit'sRobby, imperium, jack (and all his dancers), falconarg, and ceejay/BLACKFOOT. There's more, but trying to think of them makes me want to jab a screwdriver through my ear canal.

Here's a piece of advice, aqualongassnameI'mnotgonnaremember, do a goddamned barrel roll and quit droning on about your sandy vagina.

Welcome to TK. Now, kindly GTFO.

Just call me Aqua-Man 'kay? As you're obviously too feebleminded to remember my username.


Easy simple 1-2-3 skadoo lickety-split to remember. OK? OK?

Repeat after me: A-Q-U-A M-A-N

Now you say it: A-Q-U-A M-A-N

Say it to yourself a few times so it clicks in your noggin. Then think it to yourself a few times so it sticks in your head which is made out of bread.

There we go.

My work is here is done:)
Count Bakula. That's good stuff.

Apparently Count Bakula is a term for trolls. Or a username trolls use. But I only saw that on one site, so who knows how accurate or true that information is.

Makes perfect logical sense to call Scott Bakula Count Bakula, Dean Stockwell Dean Spockwell & Deborah Pratt Debbie P:)