I'll take another wild stab and say Torino --otherwise I can assure you I'm not getting the other two without spitting out names randomly. Florence? Naples? Are any of them places in Sicily? (I've been to Agrigento & Palermo.)I'll drop this hint about photo #4. Italians hate this location because they think it doesn't match its surroundings. They could definitely associate with the phrase "the cake is a lie."
Nope, and I don't know if she's more obscure or not.Is that Hippodamia the centaur is trying to carry off, or is it some more obscure lady in distress?
:no:Kronos and Philyra?
Okay, if they took the trouble to actually shoot Hannibal's Florence sequences in Florence, that's where the sottopassagio pic is from.
The "wedding cake" is the Monumento Nazionale a Vittorio Emanuele II in Rome. Still couldn't tell you who the flowers were for, and I'm a bit pressed for time, so maybe later...
This shouldn't be too hard:
Name the painting & the artist.
Noop.Sea critters?