Factional Warfare
I forgot you had your own youtube channel. I remember the snow though.
Anyway it was tasteless of me to do this. Tasteless and stupid.
I think the Dork Lord is hot.
I know you will think I am being sarcastic, but I'm not. He used to sing me songs all the time, it was very sweet.
That's Pickle???????
Terrifying, isn't it?
Okay fellas, you made your point, let it go.
Indeed. Looks like what would result from an ogre and a redneck having sex.
Indeed. Looks like what would result from an ogre and a redneck having sex.
Imagine that thing trying to rape you!
Either press charges or STFU. I'm more inclined to believe he made a pass at you which you freaked out about than he tried to rape you.