Ok that clears things up considerably.
Pickle was a drunken idiot. You shouldn't have said Pickle tired to rape you because although you made your refusal clear, it sounds like all he was doing was attempting to convince you and get you in the mood. Not very well and it probably seemed like a good idea at the time in his drunken mind, but I doubt he would've progressed past the "C'mon Baby, let's get it on" stage. If he spent hours trying to get into your pants with all the small stuff, he wasn't going to throw you down and rip off your clothes. Like you said, he had the greater strength and he could've held you down at any time and simply taken you.
This is sexual harassment at best, you shouldn't have cried rape or even attempted rape.
Pickle was a drunken idiot. You shouldn't have said Pickle tired to rape you because although you made your refusal clear, it sounds like all he was doing was attempting to convince you and get you in the mood. Not very well and it probably seemed like a good idea at the time in his drunken mind, but I doubt he would've progressed past the "C'mon Baby, let's get it on" stage. If he spent hours trying to get into your pants with all the small stuff, he wasn't going to throw you down and rip off your clothes. Like you said, he had the greater strength and he could've held you down at any time and simply taken you.
This is sexual harassment at best, you shouldn't have cried rape or even attempted rape.