RIP Karl 1991-2014
So he didn't try to rape you as much as hadn't yet gotten the hint, as you see it?
The words 'no' and 'stop' are rather unambiguous, as, particularly in this type of situation, they only have one meaning.
So he didn't try to rape you as much as hadn't yet gotten the hint, as you see it?
Like you can talk. You look like Baron Harkonnen with spectacles.
The words 'no' and 'stop' are rather unambiguous, as, particularly in this type of situation, they only have one meaning.
It hardly makes it a rape attempt. It makes it Pickle being a drunken idiot. With drunken idiots you need to shove them away, at least. The more force used the better. You merely said no and stop and I'm betting they weren't in a loud voice. You're not the type to raise your voice, let alone shout if I've pegged you right. Pickle was drunk, made a pass undid some buttons, you whimpered a bit, but didn't forcefully attempt to stop him, instead you ran away and cried rape from your keyboard. Nice.
Terrifying, isn't it?
This reminded me of something that I couldn't put my finger on for days, when it hit me just moments ago. Let's see who can guess it from this bit of movie dialogue:sensoure
And you know this because you were hiding in the back seat like a good little Ewok? Oh, wait. YOU WEREN'T THERE! Neither was I, so I'm not making the accusation one way or another. There were only two people there. Try again, retard.
Nope. Saying 'no' to a forceful advance isn't exactly confrontation, Yubby, and I certainly wasn't 'timid' about it. Drop the buttons remarks; Pickle's lying when he claims that that was as far as he went. You're a shiteating fluffer, and I've explained this a number of times, but you're obviously taking Pickle's side regardless, so this is pointless. Anyway, to state with all finality, "Pickle tried to rape me," is hyperbolic, and I should elaborate. Pickle was prevented from an attempted rape because I ran away. Before that point, I'd made my refusal clear as fucking day, and yes, I even pushed him, but my words had no effect, and my own attempts at force certainly didn't, either. A 140 lb geek versus a 250ish ex marine? Yeah, not much chance there. He roundly ignored the issue of consent.I'm intelligent enough to piece a working model of what happened using Pickle's testimony, Dual's testimony and the characters of both participants. Dual is a coward, he hates confrontation. Pickle is just about solid Marine as you can get. Confidence v paranoia. Dual would feel victimized if someone looked at him wrong, I'm sure.
So we have Pickle, drunken, making a pass at timid Dual. He undoes a few buttons. Dual squeaks some feeble protestations which Pickle given his inebriated state ignores. Dual freaks out and runs home, and then feeling suitably empowered from his computer, tells us all Pickle tried to rape him.
Given the available data, this seems like the likeliest way things would have went down.
Kinda looks like Tom Hanks.
Nope. Saying 'no' to a forceful advance isn't exactly confrontation, Yubby, and I certainly wasn't 'timid' about it. Drop the buttons remarks; Pickle's lying when he claims that that was as far as he went. You're a shiteating fluffer, and I've explained this a number of times, but you're obviously taking Pickle's side regardless, so this is pointless. Anyway, to state with all finality, "Pickle tried to rape me," is hyperbolic, and I should elaborate. Pickle was prevented from an attempted rape because I ran away. Before that point, I'd made my refusal clear as fucking day, and yes, I even pushed him, but my words had no effect, and my own attempts at force certainly didn't, either. A 140 lb geek versus a 250ish ex marine? Yeah, not much chance there. He roundly ignored the issue of consent.
I cannot take what you say as the complete truth here considering past actions. The whole Walker/Ani episode leaves you as in the shadow of cowardice and as rule cowards will say and do anything to save themselves,
This reminded me of something that I couldn't put my finger on for days, when it hit me just moments ago. Let's see who can guess it from this bit of movie dialogue:
"Oh, this young man has had a very trying rookie season, with the litigation, the notoriety, his subsequent deportation to Canada and that country's refusal to accept him..."
Pickle was very drunk, so I suspect his memory may be unreliable, but he's told me that he knows he fucked up. I'd like to make it clear that I'm not saying he's a rapist; obviously his inhibitions were gone (he shouldn't ever touch alcohol). I was drunk, too, but obviously I can handle it. At various points in the episode, Pickle got ahold of my wallet/phone/keys (can't remember which, but I needed it in order to escape) and I had to physically wrest it from him grasp, and even without him seriously fighting me back, it was difficult. He'd pulled back my pant's waistline, held my hands, snuggled in on and kissed my neck, and yes, unbuttoned my shirt, and all this went on for hours while I made my refusal clear. I was in a state of controlled sub-panic the entire time, and I do suffer from Panic Disorder, though it's mostly inactive now. Eventually, I had my important stuff back, Jeff was away from me for the moment, so I haphazardly packed and ran down to my car, on the pretense of packing everything away to leave in the morning (it was 5 AM at this point; this had been going on all night). I was about to leave, drunk driving, mind you, when Jeff came down and got into the passenger seat. Now, I was afraid Jeff knew what I was planning and would try to stop me, but I eventually convinced him to go back to the room. I delayed by pretending to be vomiting in the bushes, and as soon as he was out of eyesight, got the hell out of there.Well that makes things much more murky. This is the first time you've gone into detailing what you did to attempt to stop Pickle. I'm not taking Pickle side regardless, I simply took his honour as a United States Marine as something I could trust. You would mind filling the gaps as to exactly what did he do, would you?
Of course, what you said could be an untruth, but aside from attempting to besmirch Pickle's rep and bolster your own, I can discern no reason for you to lie. Why Pickle would lie I cannot discern at this time either. He wouldn't give a crap what people thought, he certainly needs no-ones approval and unless this is some elaborate scheme on his behalf, I have no reason to doubt him.
1) I think you are taking this too seriously.
2) What's the Walker/Ani episode? Or are you referring to the hotel/motel events in a SW frame?