◘ IT HAS BEGUN - World Cup 2010 South Africa Official Thread ◘

I parked the car in the street so it would look like no one was home and some mofo (Jehovah's Witness)STILL rang the bell.

fuck off, I'm not joining any cult that misses the World Cup opener!
btw, great av, Fuddle!
One of my older neighbours around the corner has a small England flag on her car and a big one hanging from her house....I guess this explains her English garden...
I have some "friends" from college who are in Durban right now with tickets to basically every worthwhile game ever.

Needless to say, we're not on speaking terms anymore.
What a goal to get us started. This scoreline is all kinds of upset. Mexico have themselves to blame, not making the best of all the domination in the 1st half, and coming out like a bunch of drunk muppets in the 2nd.
well, a 1-1 tie - lively game; WTF was the Mexican Keeper playing at? off his line at least 3 times that I saw!'
OTOH, the SA Keeper made some really brilliant saves.

very sorry about Mandela though.
The Mexican 'keeper is a funny little chap. He's only 5' 8'' - what's that all about for an International 'keeper?

Happy to see Marquez score though - he's one of my favourite players.
very sorry about Mandela though.

Yeah, real shame. The BBC had a really nice photo of him and his grandaughter together on their front page this morning. Also a shame that it meant he wasn't able to attend the opening game, but that might have put his health at too much risk anyway.
If Curious doesn't have any objections I'm going to rename this thread so we can have it as the official World Cup Thread. Feel free to make threads about the world cup all you want outside of this one but it's nice to have an official thread,
France coming up predictions?

France not the force they once was, uruguay unpredictable south americans not great, but got the legs on france..

strangely a draw maybe in the air, or will 'lucky' france win?

2-1 france
I only know two things about Uraguay and neither of them are about their football team ("hehehe, you are gay" and that it's in S. America). But I'm going to assume France are still way stronger and go for 2-0 to them.
So we're on Uruguay v France now. Evra booked after 12 minutes for shirt pulling - not what you would expect from your captain, but very descriptive of the way he's been playing at Man Utd (lose the man, commit a foul). France have had the better of the first 15 minutes, Uruguay are banging it up to Suarez at every opportunity - they have players with far more ability than that. Forland just had a nice shot at goal.

The atmosphere is rather flat when compared to the first match - understandably. France are the higher ranked team here, but Uruguay are easily capable of beating them, in my opinion.
I know Thierry Henry has just had the worst season of his professional career, but that is still no reason why he should have his captaincy stripped, and then demoted to the bench. He is still world class, and he is still a better player than Nicolas Anelka - in fact he always will be. Even if Anelka scores 3000 goals in one match, he will still not be good enough to hold Henry's jockstrap. The fact that his scoring record over the last 3 years for France is approximate to Heskey's tells me everything.

Fuck Anelka!