◘ IT HAS BEGUN - World Cup 2010 South Africa Official Thread ◘

Uruguay have no answer to Abou Diaby in midfield, and he is bossing the show when given the ball - his sheer size is imposing enough to the smaller Uruguayans. Gourcuff is also having a decent match. Anelka hads had plenty of the ball, but not been productive when in the important areas. Ribery is strangely quiet so far.

For Uruguay, their own worst enemy are themselves. Their defense looks ill-organised, which is all the more of a worry when their captain is one of them. Suarez looks pretty naive for somebody who has just scored 49 goals in a season, overunning the ball, bombing into offside positions and generally looking short of experience. I guess 49 goals in the Dutch first division has little value compared to Europe's much more competitive leagues.
France can't finish. So many good chances across the goal, and nobody to put it in. Anelka is donkey-poo.

He'll probably stuff in a second-half hat-trick now.
YAY! - The BBC have flown Gabby Logan out to South Africa on our licence fee for absolutely no reason!

I am bored stiff of 'updates from the England camp'. Seriously, I don't care. We're vastly overrated as it is, and there's only so much you can stomach of footballers trotting out the same bunch of cliches every time.

BBC have FUBAR'd already. Their pre-recorded 'insider's feature' of Gabby Logan interview England footballers and asking the same fucking questions has broken, and briefly replaced with pictures of South African groundsman running repairs on the pitch at half-time.

I actually preferred seeing the groundsmen. Nice bit of behind the scenes action there.

Hearing about the moment old Wobbly Mouth's knee gave out was interesting, but otherwise I'm not interested in the goings-on at the England camp either. And I'm sure the kind of information hardcore fans would hope to find out would never be provided in a piece like that. Capello's not going to reveal tomorrow's tactics and Mystic Meg's probably unavailable this time of the year to answer the question of how far England will get, so it's pretty pointless. Just becomes propaganda in the shape of a fluff piece.

And it's starting to look like 0-0 would've been a better bet in this game.
I honestly don't care about the England camp. I've lived through enough tournaments and England matches now to know that the rediculous hype our media ladle onto our national team always far outweighs the genuine expectation. The cynical side of me would say that this is largely down to the Tabloids building it up, so they can shoot the team down when (not if) they fail.

England are simply not good enough as a team to win this torunament - I'll gladly eat my words if it happens, but 30 years of cynicism and realism tells you we don't have a genuine chance.
I honestly don't care about the England camp. I've lived through enough tournaments and England matches now to know that the rediculous hype our media ladle onto our national team always far outweighs the genuine expectation. The cynical side of me would say that this is largely down to the Tabloids building it up, so they can shoot the team down when (not if) they fail.

England are simply not good enough as a team to win this torunament - I'll gladly eat my words if it happens, but 30 years of cynicism and realism tells you we don't have a genuine chance.

I do think we have a shout to win it but I remain highly sceptical. But of course the hype is massively out of proportion.
WHAT WHAT WHAT just happened? Uruguay must be thrilled!
I just got back from teaching and run downstairs for the final 10 minutes to see U get a red card - that's it, I think, But NO!
The first 10 minutes were. The rest were fucking awful. Uruguay are a dirty, cynical team.
Gignac was fucking useless on the wing. Sagna was far more effective than Evra and Ribery should have been switched out to that wing in place of Gignac.
Agreed Gagh, Malouda particularly.

I for one am particularly happy that the BBC has laid on a large white double decker bus pointlessly visiting happy black schoolchildren in South Africa. All we need is two skinny twats on the thing, oh, they have that too.
ITV won the award for Most Patronising Coverage, I think.

"This village has only RECENTLY got electricity and here the local children have gathered, watching the game on tv..."

"It's not even a tv, though, is it!"

"That's right, it's a bed sheet. Wonderful... to see... there... now back to you in the studio!"

Adrian Chiles: "Right, now time for a few ads."
Menty, download the June 10th episode of Teh Daily Show. Jon Oliver was SO MEAN to the US team!
Ok next two before england.

south korea vs greece

south korea , great little team in 02 world cup, greece a pretty negative defensive team in the past..

south korea have the legs but maybe a bit 'short' at the back..


Argentina vs nigeria

not the best argentina side, i dont know to much about this current nigerian side..

narrow argentina win, african teams are either good or woeful.....