◘ IT HAS BEGUN - World Cup 2010 South Africa Official Thread ◘


(I think they need the support in this one...don't believe they're going through to the final)
Oh well we've had our "pitch intruder" already, but hopefully the rest of my post was completely inaccurate.
Absolutely delighted for both Spain & Netherlands. Either team will be winning it for the first time, and that's also a first in my lifetime.
I would've expected Germany to at least score something. It just goes to show how poor England and Argentina's defense really was, and how good Spain's was.
p.s. IMHO Germany is a better team than Holland. There, I said it.
I really wanted it to be Spain & Germany at the last.
I want Holland to win the World Cup. It's going to be a tough ask for them but I think they can do it.
today I am cheering for my gr-grandmother's people. Am sorry Klose will not have the chance to try for the record. he always works so hard on the pitch. Hope he heals up soon.
An entertaining 1-1 match so far.
The octopus was correct AGAIN...

Also, great game for the bits I saw. Was at a BBQ and popped in every so often to see what was happening. Glad with the result as I'd gone off of Uruguay after they cheated.
What is it with the World Cup final and hitting the blue team in the chest?


The diving and the fouls were shameful. Before the game started I said to my family, the ref should just fill out a yellow card ahead of time with van Bommel's name on it. was I wrong?
hard-fought game. I felt badly for the honest Dutch players who kept trying til the last second. Any moment you expected a football game to break out.

Viva Espagna!