◘ IT HAS BEGUN - World Cup 2010 South Africa Official Thread ◘

sweet jesus! stop with the fouls aleady and get on with the game!
Melo lost his mind; stomping on Robben's hamstring bound to bring ire of ref....
Robben is - pardon the expression - playing the Brazilains now and they are being drawn in. he knows what he's doing, and it's working.
I guess they DID have a Plan B!
I'm seriously hoping the Dutch go on to win it all now, principally because I drew them in the office sweepstakes and there's £80 riding on it!
I wanna see Ghana make it to the championship game and get crushed by Germany.

Ghana seems to laugh in the face of tactics. They wait for the ball and just go shithouse on it while the other team is spending time getting into formations. It seems that the only reason they score goals is luck and explosive counter-attacks.
Wicked game. SO TENSE at the end, but Ghana can be very proud of themselves. If it weren't for that handball at the end...
I fast forwarded through most of the overtime. It seemed like Ghana kept diving all over the place. They should rename themselves the Black Falling Stars.
Hopefully, Maradona's big mouth will be shut once and for all today. At first his amateurism was kind of fun, but this is turning into a circus.
I have the highest respect for Messi, for his skills, and Tevez for his spirit, but I am bloody sick of Maradona.

I may be secretly cheering for Germany..they have been playing excellent football - without shenanigans!
.. am curious as to how far this young side can go.
I'm predicting that Germany will win 4:? vs whoever they play in the championship.

This is assuming that Paraguay beats Spain, 'cause it seems to be a World Cup for the underdogs.
Holy shit. Well fucking done Germany. What an absolute drubbing that was. I've got to say that does make me feel a little bit better as an Englishman. We weren't the only ones to get schooled by this fantastic side.

Good luck, Germany. I still HAVE to support Holland because I've loved them for years but I will certainly not begrudge Germany if they go on and win the whole thing now. Not at all.

Excellent showing.