◘ IT HAS BEGUN - World Cup 2010 South Africa Official Thread ◘

Its better if Germany win, because then we can say we lost to the world champions, not that we were just shit.
Since things are the way they are....now I want it to be a final between Germany and Spain.
two vastly different styles of football...it would be interesting, methinks.
Germany were fantastic, though again they were helped a little by a weak opposition. Downside to the 4-0 score is that people will use it as another way of explaining away England's defeat. "We weren't bad, Germany were just really good." I admit it made me feel better too, though. :)
Argentina has a cool flag.
Today I noticed one of their players had the sun (from the flag) tattooed on the back of his neck.
I know, and I wouldn't have expected to be saying it before the game, but it's true. The Germans just ran rings round them. It was kind of cringeworthy toward the end!
That was a thumping in the most traditional sense of the word. I guess Argentina got what their defence was threatening to take all tournament. Dimechelis is a dreadful defender. All through the Champions League for Bayern he was dreadful, and he's been the same here.

Players like Heinze & Gutierrez are simply not good enough to hold a place in Argentina's squad.
people around here are still messed up that Brazil's out. I honestly never though Holland would beat the Samba Kings, that's why I cheered for them (Netherlands). This game is full of surprises.
Yeah, it did kind of feel like watching the England game again, except there weren't two(ish) goals to salve the pain.

Oh and I saw the beginning of the BRA/NET game yesterday, but had stuff to do... thought 'it's okay, Brazil will obviously win'... had to pick my jaw up off the floor when I found out they lost.

hell, not only are the odds 100-1 for Holland, but it appears most of Uruguays' A-team are off with injuries or suspensions.

Is this even going to be sporting? :(
It would be interesting to see what strategy will the Del Bosque use tonight.

If he keeps David Villa as a winger (notice how most of his goals involve him running from the wing and sniping the chance, a luxury he cannot afford with Joachim Low) and starts with an obviously out-of-shape Torres, he'd be giving a head start to the Germans.

Furthermore, unlike England and Argentina's lamentable defense lines, I expect the Spanish defense to give the Mannschaft hell.
this should be very interesting. I am just sorry it's not the final.
IMHO, inspite of having some very skilled players, Holland employed some less than honourable tactics at various points in the tourney and I don't like seeing that.
(Although all my Dutch friends in town will no doubt disagree).
Hoping for a German victory tonight and then a Dutch victory over Ze Germans in the finale.

There is enough quality in Spain and Germany to expect a cracking match but one can never know. Let's hope they both go out without being too wary of the other at the start.
Today's game is gonna be one of the best WC games we'll ever get the chance to see.

You realise almost everytime someone's said that so far it's turned out to be incredibly dull? ;)

Let's antijinx it by predicting that both teams will utterly underperform, becoming shadows of their former selves and the winner (after extra time and penalties) will only gain victory through a contentious ref decision which it's immediately apparent is wrong and leaves all spectators, wherever they may be; disappointed, bitter and angry. And the one potential highlight of the evening - two streaking ladies who start scissoring in the German penalty box - is only heard about through the commentary, as the cameras concern themselves with the goalie's Spanish opposite number, who's taken to picking his nose while he thinks everyone else is distracted.