◘ IT HAS BEGUN - World Cup 2010 South Africa Official Thread ◘

I missed yesterday's match between Germany and England, since I was in a Slayer concert, but I'm watching the replay right now.

It's an impressive display of power by the Germans. Their counterattacks, delivered with such speed and precision, are deliciously unforgiving.

The refereeing was up to this World Cup's standard of complete and utter shittiness.

Gehen sie Deustchlandd !

Hard luck for all the Brits in the house.
Chris Waddle "Why don't the FA look at other countries and say 'how do they keep producing this talent?' Where is our Plan B? We haven't got one. The back four can't control the ball, can't pass, we lack so many ideas it's frustrating."
Fabio Capello : "It was very important for us to get that second goal. I don't understand why in this time of so much technology, we are still talking about this. I think we played well at 2-1, it should be 2-2, but then I was disappointed by the mistakes and they counter-attacked well. Germany is a big team and they played well - we made mistakes, but the referee made a bigger one. This is football."

Having that blatant goal disallowed must've been a hard knock for England, but come on, other teams have had the same thing happen and not instantly fallen to pieces. If the final score had been 2-1 then it'd be a legitimate reason for losing, but at 4-1 there are obviously bigger problems than a bad call from the ref.
Its always handy to have one tiny aspect out of your control so you can point at it and say "It wasn't my fault"

Its a lot easier than just admit they are an overpayed bunch of twats who cant get past the fact the players are from other teams they spend all year hating enough to pass the ball to them, and that for the most part they are so obsessed with being the one to score a goal, that even defenders will run up to the other end, and any player with the ball is more likely to make some hamfisted attempt at scoring, than pass it to another player with a better chance of getting one.

Some of our players are so good at kicking the ball directly over the goal I think they would be better off playing rugby.

If they spent more time practising kicks and less time flopping to the floor as soon as anyone grazes one of their leg hairs, maybe we would still be in the cup.
ADIOS Portugal. Ronaldo practically useless.

(ok, I am ALMOST completely Neutral, but I secretly love Spain's passing abilities. Also like the fact they can win even when Torres is quiet.)
Ronaldo wasn't really useless because of anything he did wrong. He is stuck in a team that played totally defensively and failed to get him any service for the entire 90 minutes and they has absolutely no Plan B when Spain scored which should have been to push the back four up and try and work the ball off to Ronaldo as much as possible.

Bad tactics and no service have left Ronaldo a dejected figure but no blame can be put on him for the situation he had to deal with. (I can't believe I'm actually defending him)
Ever seen a Portugal side as defensive as that? 1-9-1, how's that for a formation? Some terrible substitutions from Queiroz too.

Portugal scored 7 goals in 4 matches - all in 1 match. That sums everything up for me.

Ghana v Uruguay
Argentina v Germany

Brazil v Netherlands
Spain v Paraguay

So who's gonna win? I'm going for Argentina.
So who's gonna win? I'm going for Argentina.
You know, Gagh, every time you say something like that, another busty, blonde Nazi Girl dressed in leather slits her wrists and becomes emo. Not a nice sight, Gagh. Not nice at all.
Menty, I think Ronaldo was having one of his "off" days. He'd be pointing to where he wanted his team mates to go but I saw him walking - more than once. Walking at a WC match when you've only got two periods of 45 minutes to make your mark? He was having an off day, as all humans will. And that's not a slag - when I wrote the word useless I meant it as in "not useful" , not as an insult. The problem with Ronaldo having an off day was this was a very bad time for it - the coach should have substituted him. The Portugese team were expecting him to be their Saviour and he's only one guy. Where was the rest of the team?
.....just made it home in time...can Holland stop Brazil's party? Will the Samba Kings dance around the Dutchies?
The Brazilians are stomping the Dutch team.

If the match keeps going at its current pace, I would predict no less than 3-0 for Brazil.
really loving being a Neutral for once! I can just enjoy the match.

Brazil have such fluidity with their passing. It's like watching music made manifest.
Van Persie et al have to collect themselves if they hope to answer Brazil in next half. Do they have a Plan B?