◘ IT HAS BEGUN - World Cup 2010 South Africa Official Thread ◘

America had a solid team this year. A bit unlucky to go out at this stage because it could have swung either way right to the end but that's football for ya. Now show solidarity with your English brothers and get behind us to beat the fucking Germans.
Any bets on how much Everton are going to bid for Donovan? The guy really should be playing in the Prem full time.
awwww...we had to go attend a business dinner so I only got to see the first half (we were late because of me, truth be told) I was rooting for USA but no one at the dinner knew the final score and it's an hour away so I jsut found out now. That's too bad. US presented a fiesty team and they were a pleasure for any fan who likes teams who play to win!
Bravo, USA, see you again next Cup for sure!
[YOUTUBE]<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/LJVLvWXUg50&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0x402061&color2=0x9461ca"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/LJVLvWXUg50&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0x402061&color2=0x9461ca" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]
This is a shocking embarassment. Technology, players and the manager have all let us down. The defence has been horrendously non-existant. I've seen junior sides look better.

We need a goal - off goes Defoe. On comes Heskey. Yeah, OK, Capello.
An absolute disgrace from start to finish. That is by far the worst defensive performance I have ever seen. Yeah, Lampard scored and it is absolutely unbelievable that the ref failed to see it but we can't use that as an excuse from another overrated England team.

All wrong. Fuck it.
I won't insult you guys by pretending that I know a single thing about football, but.... I seriously think that you've been robbed of a fair chance in this game. It's time FIFA acknowledges that there is such a thing as technology and introduces video-recording for their referees.
It will go down as one of the worst calls in football history but it doesn't take away from the fact that you were and are better than us and even if was counted you would have gone on to win. Good luck in the rest of the competition.
I never thought I would miss this guy:

damn shame.

and here i am eating my words about the goddamn instant replay in less than 2 days....

well I am now officailly a neutral for the rest of the Cup.

Germany played an awesome game but England really did have plain ole bad luck too.
Never mind. England released the away kit back in March. Then, in June just before we flew out, they released the 'World Cup Edition' in order to rip fans off. Basically, just a scroll underneath the three lions showing the opponents.

Also, England have announced a new kit for after the World Cup. Emile Heskey here models that kit for the adoring public.

Watching the Mexico/Argentina match. Only 15 minutes in but probably been more entertainment in these first 15 than I've seen in any other full match at the World Cup so far.
Another HUGE linesman fuck-up has just gifted Argentina a goal that was two yards offside. The replay was seen on the big screen (WHICH NEVER HAPPENS) in the stadium and the refs all saw it and realized the mistake but nothing can be done about it.

Massive moment and yet another case for brining technology in to the game. Deary me.
In the 21st century we still use 19th century rules, its ironic we tell the fans to stop bringing up the war, or dressing up like crusaders, when the hole concept of how things are decided are so firmly routed in the past.