◘ IT HAS BEGUN - World Cup 2010 South Africa Official Thread ◘

So, next round we'll be playing Serbia or Ghana. Sorry Aus, I don't think you fellas are gonna make it. After that 0:4 opener with Germany, you'd need to score a minimum of four goals against Serbia, who beat Germany.
I'm glad the USA went through because they have been on the end of some really dodgy Ref decisions and it would have been criminal if they had went out after having two perfectly good goals chalked off.

The quickest way to get the US involved in something they normally aren't is to fuck us over, which is why today I'm captioning plenty of soccer talk in one day than I have in the past six years of captioning.

It's like, I can make fun of my sister, but if someone outside the family does, I'll whomp your ass. :)
no kidding eh? I prolly wouldnt have cheered for the US (nothing personal) until that Mali ref so obvioulsy denied them a legit win...also, watched the highlights of the game yesterday and another suspicious call re...surprise!.... an American goal.
We Canadians cant stand cheating OR bullying.
If they lose because they suck thats one thing. If they lose cuz someone has a hate-on for Americans, that's something else entirely.
IMHO the WC has to transcend that bullshit. Refs must be impartial.

Boy, you'd never see that kind of crap on Pierluigi's watch. I miss him.
Yea, they talked about that second suspicious call, but never showed a clip, so I didn't get to see it.
I haven't seen the second one either. But I don't think the first one with the Malian ref was due to bias against the US, it was just quite a mess in the penalty box and he made a mistake, thinking that the US players had been shirt pulling, when it was the other team. If there was a video referee there'd've been no problem.
Fuddle, did you see that match? The ref was ignoring all kinds of roughing by the Slovenians or Slovacks or whatever they're called. He was calling shit on every move the Yanks made. The disallowed goal was just the icing on the cake. I'm not an American. I have no vested interest in them winning or losing, but fair is fair and a ref has to be fair.

It appears FIFA agrees with me:

The referee who disallowed a potential match-winning goal to the USA national team against Slovenia has been stood down by FIFA.
Mali official Koman Coulibaly, who barred a late Jozy Altidore goal in Johannesburg on Friday that would have seen the US take a late 3-2 lead, will not officiate another group stage match at the 2010 tournament.

Read more: Mali referee Koman Coulibaly stood down by FIFA http://www.1000goals.com/mali-referee-koman-coulibaly-stood-down-by-fifa#ixzz0rmZKATA7
on another note, the Italians are playing like shit and I'm wondering if 10:57AM is too early to start drinking heavily. FUNCULO!
I didn't see that whole game, no. If it's anyone but England playing I tend to just have it on in the background while working. Did hear about FIFA taking action over the ref, though, which is positive.
Drogba knows how it feels to be on the end of criminal refereeing decisions.



Even I know we have no chance, and I don't know anything about soccer.
Curious, I posted an article earlier this week talking about Coulibaly and his bullshit officiating.

Why is it that FIFA is so afraid of using video playback to officiate games? This goal could have been solved with a quick look at one of the 500 camera angles around the goal.

Seriously, for a game full of fans that love watching the replay of EVERY SINGLE POSSIBLE ANGLE on goals, why don't the refs like it?

Get with the times. We use video officiating in the US. How often do you hear of bad calls in the NFL or NBA? I mean, would it also hurt to add ONE more official to the pitch? One guy officiating 22 guys while denying the aid of video playback is a flawed system.

Yes, I know there are sidelines refs, but they aren't responsible for handing out cards or disallowing goals. All they do is wave a flag when the ball isn't inside the big green box any more.
Other detractors for popularizing Football in America.

Hooligans are constitutionally allowed to carry firearms.

If Coulibaly had tried that shit while in the US, you can count on the fact that he'd probably get shot.
Conchaga said:
Seriously, for a game full of fans that love watching the replay of EVERY SINGLE POSSIBLE ANGLE on goals, why don't the refs like it?
lol. it's true. we do.

But I like the game the way it is....here's why:
Footy is a simple game. Anyone can play it and there arent too many rules.
Besides what we watch on the pitch, what is the other part of the game (you lived in Italy - you KNOW this!)???
Screaming and swearing and having endles debate (over the libation of choice of one's country)about the injustice of a bad call. But the rule with football is the ref's decision is final, love it or hate it.

No other game has that. We remember bad calls for YEARS (Maradona - Hand of God).
We dont have cameras on the playing pitches at home, and IMHO that grass roots element should stand.
FIFA got the guy. Bad refs get found out, and then they are not allowed to ref.
This isnt always perfect - look at France getting through instead of Ireland for the WC qualifiers. That sucked.
But as for the USA, I think it spurred them on like nothing else, eh? :).
Must've been extra miserable for Ireland seeing how France wasted their place in the tournament. OK, so Ireland might not have got into the last 16, but they would have had a bloody good bash at it.