◘ IT HAS BEGUN - World Cup 2010 South Africa Official Thread ◘

I take no responsibility for this 'joke' that was just texted to me: "Eng v USA, Sat Night, Kick off 1930. Bet the Yanks won't turn up until 1941. Old Habits die hard."

Now, I'll be off downstairs to enjoy my beer, Chinese food, and the footy. See you when it's finished so I can slag off England!
Russell Brand was just on ESPN. Also Will Ferrell and Marky Mark Wahlberg.

Predictions, gab, blab, commercials, movie plugs GET ON WITH IT ALREADY.
leaving out Zanetti and Cambiasso...

Most retarded move eveeeer!

As for USA v England I can't wait. England should win this on paper but the yanks are not the laughing stock they used to be in world football and they have some decent players that can cause us problems. I am still not convinced with Englands overall performance so this one is going to be interesting.

3-1 to England
IIRC, the US are ranked 14 and England 8, so at least by that standard we have a good chance of winning, but it could still go either way.

I'm gonna go for 2-1 England.
I'd say it's going to be a lovely afternoon. My son just graduated, we gave him a nice cash stake for college, and the world cup is just starting.

While I wish nothing but success for England, I do hope I get to enjoy watching us thrash you at something you excel at.

May it be fun. It's dark over there isn't it?
Keep an eye on Landon Donovon. He's the biggest threat and your star man. I rate him highly.

USA have done alirght since conceding so early..