It was a dark and Stormy Night...


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
Although she is somewhet demanding at times, she's not the "golddigger" type. Shes the type that feels the best things in life have to be earned..not bought! :eek:

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
This does beg the question, however. How did you think you could get away with fucking her while she was sleeping and her not notice?


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
This does beg the question, however. How did you think you could get away with fucking her while she was sleeping and her not notice?

Its all about Stealth! I've done it back in the past, when I knew she was dead-out cold. :twisted:


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
Has she ever Caught you before? And how does she not notice the 'evidence' when she does wake up?

Yes, she's caught me before! That was half the fun, watching her wake up right in the middle of it. Thing is, shes never got upset about it, at least not at the level she receintly did! :eek:

Right now I'm on "Probation", and am trying my best to be a good little least for now anyways!

For me...No Pussy until further notice :(


Shifty sumbitch
See, your mistake was twofold:
One, you never worked out with her the permission to fuck her while she was asleep -- and two, you blamed it on an incubus instead of manning up.


Shifty sumbitch
I wouldn't either!


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
She speaks to me on a regular basis now, but still gives me that ocassional "look" letting me know that I'm still on Probation :smfundecided:


Unluckiest Charm in the Box


The Pussy Strike is over....

These past few days were like living in hell.

I asked her "What kind of woman would punish her man like this?" There are times when a punishment can exceed a crime!

I meant her no harm, I just wanted to make love to her! Thats all.

I am addicted to her body like a dope fiend is addicted to crack.. and she knows it.

She threw and hit me in the face with her panties and said "Just be careful next time"


(hopefuly she wont find this thread) :eek:


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
She wants you to wear a condom when you fuck her in her sleep? She wants you to wear her panties? What?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Why would you fuck her in her sleep, anyway? I've been getting it two point three times a week on the average for thirty two years now, and she's always been awake.


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
Ive always found to be a real turn on to watch her moan in her sleep, then cum without waking up, or wake up in the heat of passion right before she does! :)