Troll Kingdom

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I've got a job interview 2morrow!

Mandi said:
YAY! *does a happy dance* Wish me luck!

*gazes lovingly into those fucking gorgeous eyes* I shall take you out to dinner to celebrate your success. What comes after I leave entirely up to you...
I guess you guys want thte 411 on this job huh?

It's an internet support company for american express customers.

Pays $10 an hour

And six other people I know already work there!

And the boss is super cool

Yay for mandi!
Mandi said:
I guess you guys want thte 411 on this job huh?

It's an internet support company for american express customers.

Pays $10 an hour

And six other people I know already work there!

And the boss is super cool

Yay for mandi!

*blows MANDI the good-luck kiss as I admire her gorgeous eyes* :love:
Mandi said:
So luci, who's dual are you?

Hello sweetheart. Please be advised I am no one's dual. I am just me. I never use duals. They serve no purpose. Now then sweetie, are you free tomorrow evening? Allow me to prepare the candles in my home where we could both... oh you get the idea.
hmmmmmmm.......well luci I hate to bust your bubble but, i'm taken. But if you so wish to keep telling me I have beautimous eyes, then feel free.
SaintLucifer said:
*gazes lovingly into those fucking gorgeous eyes* I shall take you out to dinner to celebrate your success. What comes after I leave entirely up to you...

You have to roll her in flour first.
jack said:
You have to roll her in flour first.

If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times, Vapster: that flour joke NEVER gets old.
Jack's Sister & I

jack said:
You have to roll her in flour first.
