Dirk Funk
Evil Penguin
I'd rather have you Aque. Shitty threads about Egypt get annoying.
Never fear, Aque is next in line.
I'd rather have you Aque. Shitty threads about Egypt get annoying.
You're being a pessimist. Starguard would make an excellent Badlands Moderator.
I nominate Starguard for BL mod. Now we just have to express citizenize & partisanize Starguard.
I'm pretty sure I vouched for the NWO bunch back before Dec 1.
I'm being a realist. You have been forewarned.
im not voting for starguard
What about TEH BABA then instead?
How about voting for TEH BABA?
im not voting for starguard
What about TEH BABA then instead?
How about voting for TEH BABA?
No.Can I be nominated?
Yes.I'm voting in this, even if I'm not omg allowed.
Why?your so dead too me...:rip:
No.I suggest Starguard for the position of Badlands Moderator. Is Star legally eligible for Badlands mod nomination?
Please no.Never fear, Aque is next in line.
yup and made me a citizen...
Aque, you would be a far better mod than Teh Baba.
Afish, I'm concerned. You don't seem very enthusiastic about your candidacy.
its coz he and starguard are one.
Translations please. I can't understand Aque.
:nono: Thinking of the road not travelled Premier. :hat:
Starguard is a TKer at least. Unlike TEH BABA! Or is Baba a TKer who NEVER posts? Starguard has 1 foot in the BL door already with alot of his threads now in the BL.
Starguard's 2 steps away from being a future Badistan Mod Candidate.
I nominate President Obama for future Badistan Moderator. I vouch for Barack's BL citizenship. Now all O has to do is register on TK. Bam should have Biden register too, so Joe can fill in when Bar can't mod. Be Obama's Deputy Mod. I vouch for Biden's BL citizenship too.
If Harry Reid becomes a TKer, will Mod Bam DC him?
Actually there is already a Barack Obama registered on TK. He appeared shortly before the real Obama won the election and then disappeared soon after that.