Little Cunt Paperboy


Let's be making sexy business
The manager phoned me for the final time today. The kid has been sacked.

how does that make you feeeeel?


Let's be making sexy business
no really. are you vindicated, remorseful, torn, what?


Let's be making sexy business
I think you did the right thing. He most likely stole from other people too. The company would have investigated, I'm sure.

Did they offer to reimburse your money or offer credit?


No they didn't. Like I said, when I collared them the day afterwards and the kid who I'm pretty sure did it was filling his pants, he offered repeatedly to get me the money back. There was no way I was going to say yes - it would amounted to threatening two kids out of money on a public street.

The distributors were profusely apologising and said there was nothing they could do about loss of money - I never once asked for any sum of money back, it's not worth the hassle over such a paltry amount, so I had no problem with what they were saying. I was more affronted by the principle of the matter.


beer, I want beer
When that kid goes on the dole, becoming the straw that broke the back of the world economy, and we are all plunged into the abyss of a new dark day the likes of which the world has never seen, causing food riots and destruction and a shifting of world power into the hands of motherfucking LUXEMBOURG of all places...I hope you still feel that way.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Just make sure the kid isn't "Belgian".
