Troll Kingdom

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Okay there was some egg based task but Sunshine has an allergy to eggs so that's not fair okay.
Sunshine asked who spread egg on a window or something and Ben went on one of his "don't dob me in!" kicks.
Josie and JJ had an argument after Josie wouldn't stop making fun of him. He got all angry and called her fat.
JJ went to the Diary Room and said he was going to leave the house (he didn't.)
Later on Ben told JJ that when he threatened to leave, Shabby smiled and rubbed her hands together with glee.
Govan and Josie overheard but thought Ben was saying something about them.
They asked JJ what was said and he told them.
Govan instantly ran over and told Shabby (lol).
JJ and Josie kind of made up but she said if he ever crossed him again she'd kick his teeth in.
Shabby and Ben argued. Caoimhe got involved on Shabby's side, Mario on Ben's.
Josie got angry at Govan's stirring.
JJ's shouting at Ben now and Ben keeps teling him to "SSSSSH".
Shabby got a Tree of Temptation Task where she had to spend hours within touching distance of Ben. And pay him twenty compliments. And give him a one minute long bear hug. And from what I've seen she's passed! Pretty impressive, really.
Shabby and Caoimhe have fallen out with Ife.

Sunshine's been having fun and play-fighting with JJ all day, BUT THEY WON'T SHOW THIS IN THE HIGHLIGHTS.
Okay, so, I haven't actually seen most of this, but APPARENTLY at some point Ben told Shabby that he nominated Sunshine in the first week (no idea why he'd do that, but it's Ben), then at some point JJ heard Shabby and Caoimhe talking about this and asked Ben for the details. And at some point Big Brother punished the housemates for talking nominations by taking all their food away.

So Sunshine was upset at Ben because he'd been cuddling her in bed and been all "we're friends!" with her in the first few days, but JJ was REALLY FUCKING ANGRY at Ben because of all that "loyalty and friendship" crap Ben talks to everyone all the time trying to make them feel guilty. Even Dave got angry at Ben but kept adding "but I love you man, the lord!" Only Mario stuck by Ben (obviously.)

But Ben will probably get more sympathy on certain other boards even though he creates all these situation himself.
JJ wouldn't stop going on at Sunshine about her name (you know, the way he does) and she got a bit upset, though they made up and were all playing the bedroom later. But some of the other housemates were being a bit nasty telling Sunshine JJ fancies her and tell them to kiss when they know he doesn't fancy her (or so he says.)
They were all really shocked and upset at Govan going. There was a really nice bit where Sunshine went to JJ in his bed and cheered him up by talking Australian (badly.)

Earlier today they were given pizza and Sunshine was given crisps too. This could be because she hardly eats anything (she has a history of eating disorders.) All the bitches started fucking hassling her for her crisps. She said she'd make crisps sandwiches for them all in the morning, but they were still being horrible about her. FUCK THEM ALL.
It is kind of bad sport to go after her for being a vegan.


Apparently Caoimhe and Ife used Sunshine's VEGAN MILK out of spite this morning, but Sunshine wouldn't give them a reaction. She shared the crisps in the afternoon but the bitches and Nathan still complained about it. FUCK THEM ALL.
Nathan, JJ and Dave were having a go at Sunshine again, cutting her off every time she tried to speak, completely ripping apart her eating habits even though she's explained why she's that way several times, past the point where it could be seen as a "joke" until she ended up hiding in the wardrobe with Mario where she eloquently explained exactly what the problem is. FUCK THE BULLIEs.

Who's Nathan?

Apparently BB has given them all puppet versions of themselves. None of them seem to be very creative while holding them...they're just holding them

I saw Steve's first, as I was eating. Not good. Nathan's looks like it as dragged through the dirt. Josie's and Ife's and Shabby's are nice. Ben's looks like Judy Parfitt. Sunshine's looks like Sunshine at 50 years old.