London pics


Is this real life?

I'll be damned if I can remember what this little hideaway plaza was called, but it was somewhere between Covent Gardens & Seven Dials. There's a small bronze plaque up on the wall behind the tree that claims that some or all of Monty Python lived there.

This is Neal's Yard. :D Did you go in the bead shop?!! My friend's family owns it and I've spent the odd afternoon in there behind the counter making myself useful.

Yeah, the weather's been great the last couple of weeks. I lost track how many times I walked across Westminster Bridge this month... I just might have passed you!

Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach
This is Neal's Yard. :D Did you go in the bead shop?!! My friend's family owns it and I've spent the odd afternoon in there behind the counter making myself useful.

Yeah, the weather's been great the last couple of weeks. I lost track how many times I walked across Westminster Bridge this month... I just might have passed you!

THAT'S it...No, we didn't hit the bead shop, or even eat there; just met a friend who took us to lunch nearer Covent Garden. I'll be sure to ask the proprietor if they know a "Fuddlemiff" next time I'm there, and get his expression on camera. :phpninja:

I don't know if I even crossed Westminster, but we milled about the Houses of Parliament on our way to Westminster Abbey --which was, of course, closed all weekend for some special event. Add it to the list of "things to do next time"...

Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach

Maritime Museum, Greenwich. Live for this stuff. I was careful not to violate any "No Pictures" regulations and this was one of the halls that allowed it. HOWEVER...

Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach

...I got careless and didn't see the sign (that tiny little thing to the right) when confronted with this magnificent 12-foot-high model. Got reprimanded by a guard, 'though mildly (at least I had the flash turned off.)

Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach

Under this cone (which is right next to the pic above it) is the planetarium, where we watched an interesting Astronomy show by one of the RO regulars --forget his name, but when he asked us to turn off our electronic devices, he added that if anyone actually got a cell-phone signal under this mass of bronze, to please tell him who their service provider was.

Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach

Size indication: I could just barely see over the barrel, standing at the front of its base. I'm 6'1".

Yes, do not climb on the chunk of iron that probably weighs more than every car I've ever owned smelted together because OMG YOU MIGHT BREAK IT.


I want to smell dark matter
Great pics!


Be patient till the last.
yer gonna make Menty homesick....
thanks for sharing these!


Is this real life?
I like seeing London through someone else's eyes. :) Never seen (or noticed) the dragon sculpture above.

Went to Greenwich Observatory for the first time last year, that was one hell of a walk up the hill!