
Let's fuck some shit up
Now that you've moved it, do you think you could maybe, possibly, attemt to try and add a better system for categorization and organizing the user gallery. Like alphabetizing and sub-categories?


Boobie inspector
I am moving the site to a new server and have had a few problems. I can take you through it step by step if you would like because it's a bit more complicated than just forgetting to pay my bill. :phpneutral:

So here goes. The process so far:

When I do server to server transfers I like to do it through command line in SSH since it's far more reliable. WHM never works right. I use puTTY to achieve this.


It's puTTY. Woo.

Since I am moving the site from a shared environment to my dedicated virtual environment (VPS) I only have full root SSH access on my dedicated server. I can only get Jailed SSH access on the shared server due to them not wanting shared users having root access to the server machine for obvious reasons. I requested Jailed SSH access and got it but Jailed SSH access won't allow me to use my preferred method for creating a tarball with the command scripts/pkgacct because Jailed SSH has no access to the root folder and thus no access to the scripts database. This means I had to create a tar.gz rip of my entire Public_Html folder with the

tar - cpzf mydomain02-01-10.tar.gz*


So I did this and then did a standard wget - command through my VPS SSH to move the entire public_html folder over. I then tried to unpack it using a script command (which I can do on my VPS) but since it was not created using the scripts/pkgacct command on the other server it threw up a whole bunch of cpanel failures. I then manually created a new account/cpanel on the new server and manually unpacked the tarball using the
tar -xzf mydomain-02-01-10.tar.gz command.

I then moved the contents to the correct folders and I SSHed into the server and acquired root permissions.

I then went to /home/pictureh/public_html.

I used chown -R pictureh0ictureh pictureholder in order to change
ownership of the pictureholder folder and all of its contents.

I then moved everything in pictureholder/ to the public_html by using the following command: mv pictureholder/* ./

This gave me 1 error due to the folder name having another folder with the same name inside of it.

After all this headache I then got a Mysql error and am currently in the process of exporting the mysql database with the
mysql -u username -p dbname < filename.back.dump
mysqldump --opt -u dbuser -p dbname > filename.back.dump

I then need to manually create the Mysql databases and import everything inside. And then hopefully everything will work.

I hope that clears everything up for everyone!

That was going to be my next guess

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
I've been having the same (DNS-related?) problems with that I've been having on and off with TK since you moved the site.

I'm not sure if I can do anything to help you besides whining about it constantly, but I'd be glad to try if you need it.


I want to smell dark matter
If someone told me they could "fix" Tomtrek I would murder that person silently and never let anyone find out.


I want to smell dark matter
Maybe you were banned for uploading SHARK PORN.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Can you tap a shark's ass?


I want to smell dark matter