A pretty much solid episode! It is getting a bit tiring that one week Arthur realises Merlin's worth listening to, then the next week he's telling him to shut up (don't listen to him, he's from Barcelona!), but other than that and the "cabbagehead" line I didn't have any complaints. Well, ok, I muttered something when Evil Uncle said that Gwen was a beautiful woman, but REALLY, I mean, come on, REALLY.
Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised Arthur killed Northern Accent King, as he wouldn't have done that last season. It did actually set another turning point for the character even if he spared his enemy's life at the end like heroes always do.
It was odd that they CGed a huge army for the bad guys, but left it looking like Camelot had about 100 knights at the most. The bit where they showed Arthur's camp and the knights of the round table is explainable as just being a special bit for his closest men, but they should've had a shot of the whole of Camelot's army too.
We know that Arthur won his fight because Merlin used magic, but from everyone else's perspective Arthur won because (while he was on the ground struggling to pick up his sword) the other guy dropped his sword behind him and hurt his widdle hands. That doesn't really make Arthur look like that much of a knight either.
Next week looks promising. It's nice actually seeing the trailer now and thinking "could be a good episode!" instead of getting that sinking feeling when you see a troll rolling around in horse shit and then snogging a besotted Uther.