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Merlin series 4

GOOD EPISODE. Felt more serious than usual, but of course they still got the "you're not sleeping in my bed!" joke in. The Evil Woman who wasn't really evil was quite a good character and Morgana did stuff. Evil Uncle has adopted her evil smirk.

NEXT WEEK Morgana tortures Merlin...and rapes him!?
A pretty much solid episode! It is getting a bit tiring that one week Arthur realises Merlin's worth listening to, then the next week he's telling him to shut up (don't listen to him, he's from Barcelona!), but other than that and the "cabbagehead" line I didn't have any complaints. Well, ok, I muttered something when Evil Uncle said that Gwen was a beautiful woman, but REALLY, I mean, come on, REALLY.

Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised Arthur killed Northern Accent King, as he wouldn't have done that last season. It did actually set another turning point for the character even if he spared his enemy's life at the end like heroes always do.

It was odd that they CGed a huge army for the bad guys, but left it looking like Camelot had about 100 knights at the most. The bit where they showed Arthur's camp and the knights of the round table is explainable as just being a special bit for his closest men, but they should've had a shot of the whole of Camelot's army too.

We know that Arthur won his fight because Merlin used magic, but from everyone else's perspective Arthur won because (while he was on the ground struggling to pick up his sword) the other guy dropped his sword behind him and hurt his widdle hands. That doesn't really make Arthur look like that much of a knight either.

Next week looks promising. It's nice actually seeing the trailer now and thinking "could be a good episode!" instead of getting that sinking feeling when you see a troll rolling around in horse shit and then snogging a besotted Uther.
My kids are absolutely loving Merlin, and frankly I can't blame them.

Decent enough writing, good ribald humour and mild homoerotica without the horrible RTD gay sex in a bar stuff. I actually look forward to spotting the gay joke.

The woodworm scene could have been VERY BAD, but actually the acting is filling in the gaps when the writing drops below par. I think this is actually very good television generally. I have four kids now, who have ditched X Factor for Merlin - HOORAY< THE WORLD ISN"T GOING TO HELL IN A HAND JOB
Excellent episode this week. No old plot formulas really, aside from "someone tries to kill Arthur using magic".

Dickhead Merlin just reminded us what a great actor Colin Morgan is. I'm glad the writers have finally got their arses in gear because I doubt he would've stuck around for another season if they hadn't.

Evil Uncle's argument that Arthur is all that's left of his sister and to dishonour him would be dishonour her made perfect sense... so wtf IS his motivation? I hope they'll explain that properly at some point.

Emeris never gets old (as it were). The bit where he used the knights to get on the horse reminded me of those useless soldiers from Maid Marion and her Merry Men.

Naked Arthur... it was only a matter of time really.

The stand off between Emeris and Morgana got a bit old after the third time one of them stood over the other and got thrown around. Could've been more clever than that, but it was still pretty well filmed.
Yeah I thought it was a good episode WITH LOTS OF NICE EVIL MORGANA SHE'S GOOD.

I thought that perhaps Evil Merlin's schemes to kill Arthur were a bit Wild E. Coyote, using bizarre elaborate plans when we could just, like, kill him with magic - but whatever.

I think Evil Uncle blames Arthur for her sister's death since she died in childbirth (after Uther used magic to save the child.) Bit unfair to blame Arthur for that but he IS evil! Or maybe he just loves Morgana's breasts.

Next week's looks like a continuation of this one, which is good. Though it was a bit silly ending on the cliffhnager with Morgana possibly dead then showing her in the preview right afterwards.
I knew bald guy would help Merlin in the end. It was the only way out. Another good episode. There hasn't been a bad one all series. Poor Morgana, always getting knocked out and left for dead. Shouldn't Merlin just kill her one of those times he easily could? Not that I want those pale breasts to die.


Why is Uther's face still in the opening credits?
Yep, another really good episode. I think Gaius has been accused before, but not in a PROPER episode like this. Gaius's little speeches to Bald Guy about Merlin being the greatest sorcerer who ever lived (he can make tree branches and even chandeliers fall on people!) and to Arthur about Merlin and the others secretly saving his life were really good.

I felt sorry for Morgana when she woke up after being thrown in the air yet again by another sorcerer. She doesn't even know why he turned against her, so now she's angry and completely confused. As villains go that makes her a bit weak, but it does at least give her another reason to want everyone else dead. She's turned into one of those kids who go to school and shoot everyone. Except she also has the deluded opinion that she should be head teacher.

Comedy shot of Gwen's cleavage when Gaius woke up again at the end. Seriously, they're nice enough, but we're not interested! It's Gwen!

The Q&A between Evil Uncle and Sir Tom Cruise was good. You don't normally get that kind of cross questioning. Normally the bad guy would give one flimsy excuse and the good guy would just go "oh, ok then! Carry on!"

Evil Uncle knows that Merlin knows he's Evil! Damn you, iron ore!

Next week had "you don't suspect SORCERY?!" in the trailer, so it could be the first shit episode of the season. I think it's number 7 or 8, though, so that's good going.
Morgana needs to dig up Baltar and become friends with him (until he knocks her out at th eend of the episode.)
No, she can't make friends with anyone with an accent originating south of Watford. In BBC drama, only Northerners and Scots are evil (Agrivaine will turn out to have been schooled at Cambridge, but born in Inverness).
I found this episode to be pretty poor, especially compared to the rest of the series, for two main reasons:

A) "EVIL WOMAN uses her EVIL WOMAN SEXUALITY to lure POOR INNOCENT MEN into death" is a horrible trope that we as a culture should be above by now, and
B) When the EVIL WOMAN lured the INNOCENT MEN into the moon full of other dead men, all I could think of was this:

But at least Merlin was immune to her powers thanks to his homosexuality magic!

I don't even want to touch the scene where Arthur chastises Merlin for being saved by a girl.

Also Moregana.
Yeah, worst episode of the season. Not even any Morgana or gay subtext. That's not Merlin! But next week's trailer looked good.
Merlin can't even find his own bottom sometimes! Lucky Arthur's around!

I thought it was quite poor as well. I mean, it had the more serious tone of other episodes this season, and it didn't completely follow the old formula, but it didn't really go anywhere.

The thing that disappointed me most was that Arthur had no faith in Merlin whatsoever, which seems to be the starting point for every single episode even now that the show's improved a lot. Some people on IMDb put this down to episodes being shown out of order, but whatever the reason it's pretty stupid considering Merlin and Arthur's relationship is meant to be the main focus of the whole show.
Excellent episode this week. As well as having a really good script (if not a completely original storyline), it looked fantastic. Really nice lighting and camera angles throughout.

Arthur's acting was way better than usual, which confirms my suspicions that he's usually a bit blah because he doesn't have anything interesting to say. The only problem with that was that Arthur almost seemed like he was acting out of character, because his lines were well written for a change. Of course, they still found time for him to make a joke about Evil Uncle being his wife.

If it was any other episode Merlin would've told Gwen that Lancelot was a faaaakkkke. And if it was any other episode he would've used his magic during the jousting. For once I'd like it to have been more formulaic!

I feel like I missed a post-credits scene where it turns out everything was ok and they still got married.

Morgana had a naked Santiago Cabrerra naked and at her beck and call and the best she could come up with was to ruin someone else's wedding. She's got no imagination.
GOOD EPISODE. It actually made long-lasting changes with Gwen and her sad little cart being slut shamed and kicked out of Camelot. Okay, she'll be back in two weeks probably, but it was still quite a big deal. Good acting from everyone again.

So Lancelot must be dead for real this time, right? Which is a shame. BUT what was that thing Merlin did, bringing him back to say "thank you, Merlin" then setting him on fire? Could that be used as Merlin's version of Merlin taking Lancelot's "Katra" if they want to bring him back? Probably.

Morgana was sad because she'd been using Lancelot as a sex slave, right?