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Merlin series 5

I didn't see the end of this episode, but I thought Mordred was a bit weak if I am honest. It could be the writing or directing, but overall I just didn't get anything at all about Mordred. I didn't want him to win, lose, die, live, get the girl, not get the girl.

Not really giving a toss about a major character must mean something bad, Just can't put my finger on what it was though.
After the last episode, I've decided to try no longer asking "Why didn't they just..." anymore with this show, since it happened too many times tonight.

I don't get why Merlin was suddenly pleading on Modred/Kara's behalf at the end. I thought he was right to shun Modred, he knew the truth about him and that it was inevitable that he would betray Camelot for Margana.

Also (see above) why Merlin didn't just vanish or transform whenever the soldiers came near him in the forest, or why Kara/Modred didn't stage a magic jailbreak in the night, or why Kara let herself be hanged when she could obviously stop it, same with Modred in his cell while it was happening, etc. (Again see above)

But it was still juicy fantasy drama, and I'm going to miss this show. Should be an epic finale.
I think Kara's inaction can be explained by her wanting to be a martyr. By executing her, Arthur was proving her point and might spur on a revolution against him.

The only reason I can think that Mordred didn't do anything is that since he's young (can't remember how old he is and the actor's age isn't much help, but must be somewhere around 15-16) his powers aren't strong enough to jailbreak at will. It only happened when he Hulked out.

I felt for Mordred, but it was an odd choice to make him the central character when we haven't spent much time with him. And they ended up making Merlin pretty much the bad guy of the story.
I didn't really see Merlin as the bad guy -- in the end, he knew Modred's heart, and his instincts about him were right. It was Merlin's flip-flop of sympathy at the end that I found more puzzling.

Arthur was right too -- she tried to kill him, and there are laws on the books, and he couldn't see how he could walk around this one. But then he flipped too, and started negotiating with her, which may have extended the drama in the story, but didn't strike me as logical.

I understand how people's hearts and minds shifted throughout the hour, I just didn't think it was done very cleanly by the writers. But I understand that the whole episode is the set-up for The Big Battle, so I'm trying not to be too anal about it. Not every chapter of DS9's final arc was a winner, either. ;)
I don't think Kara had magic, did she? She never used it.

Mordred I guess didn't know his own strength until his grief made him crush the medical droids and go "NOOOOOO!"
It was a bit vague, but Mordred told Merlin that "she's like us", so I took that to mean she could at least do spells from books and or weak stuff like Gaius can.
I thought it was just because she's a druid and they hold the "old religion" but maybe they can all do magic if they read about it like Gaius. Come to think of it Merlin never really laid the rules out at all.

Anyway, I don't think she was capable of esecaping.
Why does Merlin have to turn into Gandalf to live up to his full potential?

There BETTER be some Asshole Dragon in the finale or else the entire series has been a failure.
"Oh Merlin's going to the source of magic to get his powers back? I'll just trap him in there. There's no way he could get free. Unless he got his powers back. Which is what he is there to do. I mean it's certainly better than just killing him here when I have powerful magic and he does not. Good plan."
Also when Merlin slashed Morgana with the sword he could've easily finished her off. Typical!

Oh and continuing the show's tradition of mimicking Smallville, not only does Merlin return to the fortress of solitude, but he talks to his dead dad as well.

Still, it was cool that they managed to get Eric Cantona back again.

It's lucky Merlin didn't get his powers back ten minutes earlier or the bit where he saw Arthur and Gwen in bed could've been awkward. "Did you just say Merlin's name instead of mine?!"

The HOODED WOMAN being a spy for Morgana was obvious, in spite of it making NO sense. And for that matter, the place they defended at the beginning was a massive castle. How incompetent can the knights be if they only managed to save the life of a single inhabitant?

The fight sequences looked really good... I reckon they got some help from the people who do Spartacus's as the style was very similar indeed, only with actors who aren't as well trained for it. The Spartacus actors spend months at a special boot camp so they can do proper acrobatic stuff.

Didn't get why Merlin was Old Merlin at the end. Originally he only used that as a disguise and it made him get loads of old man aches and pains, but apparently now it's like he's levelled up?

Oh well, for all its faults I enjoyed it and look forward to the finale.
Maybe Merlin will will coat all the knights in ablative armor, and plant a virus in Morgana that will crush her whole army from the top down.

Like Voyager, this is a finale written because things have to end a certain way, not because the writers were free to come up with something original. It's amazing how stilted things can become when this is the case.

But it is amazing how this show has managed to remain interesting when it insists on using the old 60's Batman rules of "the villain never really wants to kill the hero, just thwart his plans."

But really? Old Merlin from this point on? No more sexy young homoerotic tease Merlin? That's just plain wrong.
I assume he'll turn back to normal when he reveals himself to Arthur (YEAH "REVEALS" IN A SEXY WAY LOL.)

I may not see it for a couple of days then. Monday is Christmas Eve, and then Tuesday I'll be all gooey about Downton Abbey returning (after all the family stuff winds down and people go to bed)...
So the Mordred/Arthur fight is literally just Mordred stabs Arthur, Arthur stabs Mordred.

Gwaine gets fooled BY A WOMAN then killed by one. What a loser.

Merlin kills Morgana by stabbing her. With a sword. But apparently she can't be killed by "mortal blades" and that's why he's never killed her before? Or something. Why didn't her drgaon just come and revive her again?

Then THE What was that. I thought "oh they're going to show Arthur in the present day." But no, they show a lorry driving by Avalon (looks like a painting now?) and then old Merlin walks by. AND THAT'S IT. WHAT.

So that was unsatisfying.
The final scene should have been Gwen looking in a mirror and then she SMILES EVILY and says "I've WON!" and you see her reflection and it's MORGANA.
Good slashfic ending, I suppose. The last shot made no sense to me, unless they are setting up for a potential spinoff series, with Merlin in the present day. With the popularity of Grimm and Once Upon a Time, anything is possible I guess.

Morgana, uber-villain of the series, appears for her final battle. Hey, what happened, she's dead. Oh, Merlin stabbed her. But swords don't work on her. Oh the sword was magic. OK, moving on...fucking strangest, most anticlimactic final showdoen ever.

I shall miss my boys. They gave me some good, "hold me close" male bonding porn in the finale.
I really enjoyed it...

But of course that won't stop me from complaining.

The gay coming out metaphor... I know it's been a theme throughout the series and I suppose it has its place, but it felt like we were being hit over the head with it again and again. It must've been deliberate. The whole phraseology, Arthur's reaction, it was textbook. I suppose it would've been anticlimactic for Arthur to just go "yeah yeah, whatever, let's kill Morgana!", but it just went on and on.


One thing's for sure, the finale had almost everybody floored.

The whole series is, of course, undermined by Arthur being an incompetent dickhead who never even legalised magic and could only be looked up to as the last salvation of Britain if the place was well and truly FUCKED.

I was expecting the John Hurt Dragon to show up earlier on and BBQ the Saxon troops, but I'm glad they held out so we could finish with a Merlin cliché.

Merlin in the 21st Century is going to ROCK.