Michael Jackson died


Vuhlkansu Wihs
I shut the TV off yesterday and haven't listened to the radio at all today.

Has Sharpten blamed this on the white man yet? I know Jesse Jackson's already grabbing a shovel and digging for a chance at some money.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Unfucking believable. It's been 8 damn days since he kicked and it's still wall to wall fucking coverage.

We could nuke the entire middle eastern region and they'd pre-empt any coverage to discuss how long it would take his plastic enhanced corpse to finally deteriorate.

I bet he lasts longer than Pamela Anderson's fake tits.


There's no place like home-
Unfucking believable. It's been 8 damn days since he kicked and it's still wall to wall fucking coverage.

We could nuke the entire middle eastern region and they'd pre-empt any coverage to discuss how long it would take his plastic enhanced corpse to finally deteriorate.

I bet he lasts longer than Pamela Anderson's fake tits.

Can you imagine the toxic waste if he's opted for cremation?

Hellbilly Jim

White Trash
Can you imagine the toxic waste if he's opted for cremation?


Dark Pickle

Fucked Off
Unfucking believable. It's been 8 damn days since he kicked and it's still wall to wall fucking coverage.

We could nuke the entire middle eastern region and they'd pre-empt any coverage to discuss how long it would take his plastic enhanced corpse to finally deteriorate.

I bet he lasts longer than Pamela Anderson's fake tits.

You're honestly suprised? We'll never hear the end of this: of that I'm certain.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Move over Elvis: You're being moonwalked off the stage.

Never happen.

Though the circumstances are similar and Elvis was a whack job in his own right, Elvis gave more to the music industry than MJ ever did. Hell, if it wasn't for Elvis and his pelvis, guys like MJ would have been tossed off the stage and sent back to the jungle for their crotch grabbing antics a long time ago.

Even MJ has sited Elvis as his inspiration.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
I hear Michael Jackson actually died from food poisoning.

He ate some 10 year old nuts!


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Michael Jackson hasn’t been this stiff since Macully Culkin spent the night at Neverland Ranch.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Because Jackson’s body was 95% plastic, he will be melted down and turned into legos, this way kids can play with him for a change.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Reports that Michael Jackson has died of a heart attack in his home are untrue… He actually died having a stroke in the children’s ward.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
In the spirit of recycling, Michael Jackson will be melted down into plastic party cups so kids can still get their lips around his rim.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
In accordance with Michael Jackson’s will, little boys’ pants shall be flown at half-mast today.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Farrah Fawcett arrived at the Pearly Gates and God asked her what he could do for her having led such an honest life. Farrah asked God to simply make sure the children of the world were safe. Five minutes later, Michael Jackson died.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
MJ’s dying wish was to be melted down and turned into straws so he can still get sucked on by kids.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
It has been released that MJs last wish was that he wants to be melted down and made into a slide so kids can go down on him forever.