And before that, they called me "GOTH".
Niether truly applies, but eh.
What does one do?
so sad.
Why? What's so great about people, anyway?
Why? What's so great about people, anyway?
What's great about people in general? Nothing much.
Doesn't change the fact that human beings are social creatures. We need interaction in our lives. Cut that off and we become unhinged.
I much more hinged now than when I had a "life".
I was constantly stressed because of work and the bitch I was married to.
The only people I really miss are my kids.
Indeed. Thats why I get so bored and crazy at work. I hardly interact with my co-workers. I don't really have any RL friends. The only thing saving me from total insanity is my interaction with people omn messageboards.
False dichotomy.
The options aren't 'unhappy marriage' or 'no social interaction.'
What's more, if Pickle think those are the only two options, it may go a long way to explaining the current state of social retardation he's feeling.
The answer is clearly alcoholism.
The social retardation is due to my disdain for humanity at large.
On a personal individual level, we may be these bueatiful creatures, capable of art and love and higher thought and blah blah blah, but as a group, we're shallow fucking parasites.
That's why I don't get out much.