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No thread on Hamas winning the elections?

What gives? Are you people OK?

I dunno, it hasn't gotten as much media play as it deserves, either.


Maybe we should only support democracies in the Middle East AFTER we have reason to believe they might not elect a fuck-ton of terrorists into office.
if you truly and honestly support democracy, you have to support it when the people chose something other than what you / america wants.

otherwise you only want puppets.
Yeah. The Germans did a fine job when they elected Hitler Chancellor, didn't they?

Democracy is an ideal, and for it to work well, you need an ideal population to implement it.
It just goes to show how simplistic and utopian it is for the Bush Administration to expect that Democracy will counter religious fundamentalism. In almost every case, an increase in democracy in the mid east will mean an increase in the power of radical islamists.
Honestly? Some form of neo-colonialism, with First World countries providing the resources these countries need to bring themselves to a standard of living on par with our own, but only in return for a shared-ruling scheme that would eventually be relinquished when a true democractic attitude has been instilled in the populace.

This would also require that we be given the authority necessary to apprehend and prosecute those extremists who are not interested in a democracy, but in a restoration of the Caliphate.

I don't pretend to be an expert in international affairs, but it seems to me that the only real answer to the problems of the Middle East and many countries in Africa is a scheme like this one.

I am vehemently opposed to pouring money into these countries just so their corrupt governments can use it for anything but humanitarian aid.

Frankly, I think that were things done in a logical manner, we would just now be seeing the gradual end of European colonialism around the world, as the European nations should have begun a very gradual withdrawal decades ago, maintaining a strong presence in these countries to assist them in their cultural evolution.

Not a well-accepted point of view, I grant you. But when freedom means the freedom to place yourself under a totalitarian government, it's not really freedom at all. And, in the case of Palestine, it appears that the majority have voted in a tyranny that takes away the freedoms of the minority. That's not really democracy.
I'm sorry, but isn't that exactly what democracy is - the majority voting in a system that is contrary to the minority?
Actually this is a beautiful thing, a terrorist organization now finds it's getting what it wants, not as a result of terror, but democracy. In fact, they may have to renounce terror to function within the world democracy.

It's really cool, actually.
jack said:
Actually this is a beautiful thing, a terrorist organization now finds it's getting what it wants, not as a result of terror, but democracy. In fact, they may have to renounce terror to function within the world democracy.

It's really cool, actually.

Yeah, but you need to read their mission statement. All this means is that they have a secure base of operations from which to continue terrorizing Israel.
That's utter bullshit, and you know it. They're going to have to renounce (and practice said renunciation) that little epithet if they ever want to see a dime, and be accepted into the world community, now that their people have actually spoken..

Plus we'll crush them like the bugs they truly are, otherwise :bigass:
jack said:
That's utter bullshit, and you know it. They're going to have to renounce (and practice said renunciation) that little epithet if they ever want to see a dime, and be accepted into the world community, now that their people have actually spoken..

Plus we'll crush them like the bugs they truly are, otherwise :bigass:

That's a tactic the US has learned to employ with "rogue states" - make demands, and when they are acknowledged, make more demands and make it look like the other side are the bad guys because they refuse to concede to even more.

If Israel were any other country it would have been occupied by a "coalition" years ago but it manages to greasily slip out from under the spotlight. Your people should be rocking back and forth and thanking God that they haven't been wiped from the face of the old world for their crimes against humanity.
Fuck you, you racist asshole. It's a shame your ignorance is greater than any intelligence you might posess. It's clear that all of your actions are driven by emotions. Hate for example, in your case.

You know what Chad? No one cares what you think.
SilentBtViolent said:

There was one ruling before, called Fatah. Lest we forget that the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade is a subdivision of Fatah, and Abbas, the current head of the PA was a military commander of the Brigade.

Either way, this is fucking excellent news. It spells the end of negotiations between Israel and the Islamic vermin.
That's not true at all gprime. It forces the sand niggers to come to grips with their hatred however, even for just one fucking minute.
Jack, they won't change their charter and they said they'd continue violence. Meaning the US has already cut off aid, and many European nations are expected to follow suite. Once that happens, Israel will have no motivation to continue peace negotiations, and then the vermin won't get the state they were never entitled to.
Disagree, I think the "vermin" will either replace the international dollars with Arab dollars -- say, ask Dubai to finance them for a year or some such -- and be even more isolated from the West while they try to take the guns away from the Fatah armed militias and the Shiites, OR renounce the violence.

Either way, with the Sharon power vacuum in Israel, that conflict is nigh-impossible to really understand at the moment.

Also, I don't agree with some people who are saying that "keeping the lights on will certainly temper their extremism." Didn't really work in a lot of other places, like Afghanistan, Cuba, and a couple countries in South America. I think Hamas are good enough at propaganda to successfully blame the West for whatever happens next to their populace.
Yes, the finance vacuum will be filled, but that is insignificant. What matters is the source of the funding. Negotiations between the two sides were largely a result of presure from the US to negotiate with the vermin. Their withdrawal of support is less a matter of finances and more of a symbolic gesture of great importance.

As to disarming Fatah, they'd never do that. Diplomacy is not their style. Violence is. So as long as Israelis are being killed, they're happy. Especially if they can divert the blame. And, as you seem to forget, most Fatah violence of late has been internal. So why would Hamas stop their rival from committing suicide?
You know, gprime, you use the word 'vermin' to describe Palestinians so often -- I can't help but think maybe only repetition of the word is what makes it satisfying for you to use it.

Wouldn't you like a word that's more in tune with your apparent feelings about them? One that really sums up how you so obviously feel?

I suggest: untermensch. Yes. I think that's really the word you're looking for, isn't it? Would you cheer if they were exterminated, gprime? Would you advocate genocide against them?
Good Grief TQ, it's just neighbor hating neighbor. Don't get your panties in such a tight little twist over it.