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OMFG CAPRICA IS COMING BACK OCTOBER 5TH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111eleven

Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ.

Not only was that a really really good episode, and a great season finale, but god damn that ending. Season 2 would have been so fucking good. I want it. NOW.

Perhaps the most shocking thing about that episode cliffhangers! It actually did work as a series finale, while at the same time making me think "holy shit season two would have been awesome."

The Adama stuff was fine, but the Graystone parts were amazing. The scenes of the cylons taking out the terrorists and Zoe tearing down Heaven were the best scenes the show has ever done...right up until the last five minutes which redefined awesome. Just when I thought Lacy wasn't going to appear, THERE SHE IS with the best line of the series. And Clarice preaching to robots and Angel Zoe in a church? Yes please. Want that season.

Bill isn't a robot (that was a pretty stupid idea really!) but Daniel actually managed to make a skinjob body for Zoe? HOW WILL THAT END UP...we'll never find out.

Seriously they should force every tv network to watch everything from "The Shape Of Things To Come" on and they'll be fighting each other over who gets to make season two.

Poor Cyrus. :(

So, umm, what happened to Tamara?
That was fucking incredible. Now we can really see why they didn't want to show these last episodes after cancelling it. The last ten minutes makes the SyFy execs look even more like total retards than we already suspected.

I think the corrupt police guy said "oh my God" when Cyrus shoved the gun in his face. One of the characters really should've pointed that out.

They never did bring Barnabas back. Don't care, though.

I loved the two new Cylon models and all the rest of the CG in the episode. It's really incredible what they can achieve on what must be a fairly low budget. The CG sets throughout have been really impressive, even if they're not quite convincing yet. I've got high hopes for B&C's graphics, if nothing else.

Er, don't really get how the skinjob plays into things. I was expecting war to break out before they got that far. Judging by the Greystones not looking any older in that scene, they must have created it within a couple of years, which is stretching credibility even for very determined geniuses, isn't it? I suppose it's okay if only one fairly unsophisticated skinjob exists before the war (I mean, it can't even yawn properly), but it still feels a bit too soon in the timeline and especially odd considering the idea of skinjobs was barely on anyone's radar by the time of BSG. You'd think people would have considered that there was a precedent in human technology and that the Cylons would have been able to accomplish the same during their absence. But in the BSG era, only the high ranking military entertained that idea, and in due partly to Adama's findings in Razor. I suppose a lot can be collectively forgotten when you go through a massive war and briefly give up technology, though.

Anyway, satisfying finale. Very satisfying.
I like to think that Skinjob Zoe and Lacy went away in a spaceship together eventually (with Tamara in a memory stick or something.)

I wonder if they re-edited the episode after they found out about the cancelling? The last five minutes sure felt like an epilogue.
From the little I saw, it looked like they couldn't develop AI, but they could jack into the program. Once jacked in, their human bodies were killed, and then they were downloded into the toasters, which would explain why the toasters were so pissed. Maybe that skinjob was Gaius Baltar??? Or he was the Seven. All they said was that john was jealous and destroyed the seven model. Didn't say when. In effect, Baltar was condemned to mortality. " YOU'RE SO HUMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I genuinely don't think Neon's posting passes the Turing Test. Like, put it next to a robot-generated spam-filter-evading email, and I'm beat.