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People you would like to kick in the nuts

Oh, you Americans:
Why go to all that time-consuming trouble and kick one person in the nuts when there are handy uzis being sold on every corner?
Do I really have to point out even the most obvious things to you? Sheesh!
Oh, you silly Germans... we prefer to only kick one person in the nuts, lest we get carried away and start tossing loads of them in ovens.

Besides, the yanks have a terrible aim. They'd aim for an evil dictator, but blow up a cancer charity concert hosted by wheelchair-bound nuns or something.
^true, but hey, what's wrong with blowing up nuns? They're basically evil dictators in skirts, aren't they?
The Quran burning guy and Fred Phelps. Though I'd like to kick Fred Phelps everywhere else too, and leave him tied to a cactus in the desert for a few weeks.

Also, Pedro Espada.
I used to know this badass lesbian named Sheila. I wouldn't mind trying to kick her in the nuts but she'd probably knock me out.
Dear, I hate to break it to you, but women don't have nuts. Not even lesbian ones. Try pulling their hair instead. They hate that more than anything else.
Dear, I hate to break it to you, but women don't have nuts. Not even lesbian ones. Try pulling their hair instead. They hate that more than anything else.

Thats because you never met Sheila. If I could sum her up in one word, that word would be - Beef.

She may have been the only one, but I'm pretty damn sure she had a big, hairy, low-slung set of stones. And if she didn't, she should have.
I like to punch girls in the boobs if I'm mad at them. Works like a charm.

It normally results in a swift kick to my nuts, but it's always worth it.
I like to punch girls in the boobs if I'm mad at them. Works like a charm.

It normally results in a swift kick to my nuts, but it's always worth it.
Thats because you never met Sheila. If I could sum her up in one word, that word would be - Beef.

She may have been the only one, but I'm pretty damn sure she had a big, hairy, low-slung set of stones. And if she didn't, she should have.
Okay, now I'm definitely interested in meeting that woman ;)

I like to punch girls in the boobs if I'm mad at them. Works like a charm.

It normally results in a swift kick to my nuts, but it's always worth it.
lol! Actually that would be one of the very few occasions I'd feel justified to kick a guy in the nuts for real. (I've grown up with a big brother. He taught me to respect that part of the male anatomy as neutral grounds in a fighht as soon as I was capable to actually reach that region of his with my foot)

Anyway, back to business. That guy from Sony who decided to make youtube vids unwatchable for me. In a back-alley. With high-heels.
Mmh, and as long as you don't start punching my boobs, you'd have a great time in there with me, either :bigass:
Okay, now I'm definitely interested in meeting that woman ;)

She was a regular at a club I worked at many years ago. Just one of those memorable people lost to time. My favorite Sheila memory - Me and one of the guys I worked with were moving a fight from inside the club to out in the street and Sheila was smoking a cigarette outside. One of the drunk combatants plowed into her as he rolled out the door. She said "watch it fucker" He said "fuck you" and she stepped forward and dropped him with one punch. Out cold. No warning. Then she just walked away. It was fucking awesome.

True story. I wonder how life went for that badass dike. I hope well. She was cool.
Oh great. Now instead of writing my paper that's due on Monday, I am sitting here and get all hot and bothered just by imagining what exactly it is you'd do. Way to get good grades ;)

'Gear, sounds like something a good friend of mine would be capable of doing in a situation like that. She once made a broadshouldered, bigass biker guy pale just by screaming a stream of really imaginative, colorful descriptions of what she'd do to his intestines if he dared to touch her ass one more time. The bartender actually advised him to leave for his own sake, she was that intimidating lol!
Oh great. Now instead of writing my paper that's due on Monday, I am sitting here and get all hot and bothered just by imagining what exactly it is you'd do. Way to get good grades ;)

'Gear, sounds like something a good friend of mine would be capable of doing in a situation like that. She once made a broadshouldered, bigass biker guy pale just by screaming a stream of really imaginative, colorful descriptions of what she'd do to his intestines if he dared to touch her ass one more time. The bartender actually advised him to leave for his own sake, she was that intimidating lol!

Does she have a nice ass?