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Political Compass Revisited...


Out of curiosity, I re-took the Political Compass test:

In October of 2004, this is how I scored:

Economic Right/Left: -5.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.70

Today I scored -3.13, and -3.95, respectively. Huh...

Anyway, if you haven't taken the quiz, it's a very interesting way to determine exactly where your political leanings are. If you have taken it, do it again. You might be surprised, as I was...
Almost square in the middle, leaning slightly more left this time around. I think the last time I was about one square to the right rather than the left. Not sure what changed.

This, Friday, is the definition of a moderate.

Economic Left/Right: -0.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.46
Caitriona said:
I'm almost in the center, just a smidgon left of center. It's a curse, I know.

This must be one of the reasons you and I get along. You have a very sensible score.
Well, I like to think there are more reasons than that, but when you come right down to it, it's enough! ;)
Oh, fer crying out loud...

Why don't you two join Love Child and I in our Mine Field thread already? ;) :D

(Big fat joke, people. I'm in a randy mood tonight).
Don't misunderstand. The big fat joke is that Number_6 is as unlikely to join in our thread as he is to attend a Joan Baez protest sing.

Yeah...I remember you agreeing with me once that the only things we have in common are our profession, occasional trolling...

And our mutual love of women! LOL