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Racism on this board.

BlazerBoy said:
On the contrary, Number_6. I speak with some measure of authority, as my father works for the South Carolina Department of Corrections. There is a disproportionate amount of blacks in prison relative to their population. For every 100,000 white males, 463 are in prison, for every 100,000 black males, 3,218 are in prison. 50% of black males are in prison for violent crimes. However, in 1997, there were just over 2 Million Blacks in prison, while ther were almost 4 Million whites. In the past 10 years, those numbers have remained fairly the same, rising inversely with the total US population. Bottom line? There are more caucasians in prison currently then blacks, simply because there are more caucasians in the US then any other race. Those are the facts. What they don't tell you is that any one race is "more responsible" for crime than any other. All they tell you is that all of the races commit a lot of crimes, and its a problem shared by all of them, and will have to be solved by all of them at once, not any particular one.

Are you really missing the obvious here? According to the 2000 census, blacks make up 12 percent of the population. Let's be generous, and say it's 13 percent, in order to include people who are of mixed race. That's probably a bit too generous, because only two million people reported themselves to be a mix of black and another race, and I don't think that makes up one percent of the population.

Those who reported themselves as white alone make up 75 percent of the population.

That makes 87 or 88 percent. The other 12 or 13 is obviously accounted for by people who are neither white nor black.

Now we don't have all the numbers in your prison stats above. But from what you're giving me, whites make up 66% of the prison population, 9% less than their presence in the total population, and blacks make up 33% of the prison population, 20% more than their presence in the total population.

So I can say with authority that blacks are disproportionately more responsible for crime in the U.S. than whites.

Hell, your own statement, "For every 100,000 white males, 463 are in prison, for every 100,000 black males, 3,218 are in prison," makes that more than apparent. 4.63% of white males are in prison. 32.18% of black males are in prison. Even taking into account people who don't get caught for crimes, that's a GIGANTIC disparity.

And these are the sorts of things that need to be acknowledged before any real dialogue can ensue. Are there reasons for this disparity that we can blame on whites? Perhaps. But there's also the fact that all of these prisoners made their own decision to get involved in crime, and that black communities are not doing what they need to do to clean themselves up and prevent their children from adding to the statistics.

It is this attitude on the part of the black community that, in part, creates people like RWC. You want to blame it on his racist parents, or whatever, but you are unwilling to consider the fact that his racism stems from the actions of the black community, which is the explanation he himself is providing, albeit laced with offensively racist statements.
Did you even read my responses so far? Please reread the third sentence I typed which you yourself just quoted, then explain to me why we are debating something we both agreed on? You keep saying that a sentence on that level must be said before any debate can ensue. Well, it was said. Its been said. When exactly are we going to move on into actual diallogue into addressing the problem?
BlazerBoy said:
Why wouldn't it? Saying more blacks commit crimes then caucasian people isn't a prejudicial or racist statement. I hope thats not the impression I gave earlier. RWC said that Blacks as a whole were irresponsible, which is something that can't be substantiated by fact or figures. That is racial prejudice and racist.

Certainly it is. But RWC has stated the cause of his racism, and it's that on the whole, the black community excuses these criminals and tries to blame their criminality on whites.

As for my own remarks about gangsta culture, I stand by them. Gangsta culture should be eliminated, the same as any other violent faction.
BlazerBoy said:
Did you even read my responses so far? Please reread the third sentence I typed which you yourself just quoted, then explain to me why we are debating something we both agreed on? You keep saying that a sentence on that level must be said before any debate can ensue. Well, it was said. Its been said. When exactly are we going to move on into actual diallogue into addressing the problem?

Then define the problem. But make sure you define it fully, and don't attribute a set of motives to racists when they are stating their motives to you upfront.
jack said:
Ok, we have to qualify this, because the kind of hate that The Question spreads around is much more subversive and destructive than the ignorant racism you are talking about.

If he's not included, then you aren't really talking about anything other that being pissed off at a few ignorant dweebs who don't know any better.

But The Questions hate? That's the real thing.

Actually, Q and me had this out some time back. I know his stance and I don't agree with him 100% but I wouldn't class him as a bigot.

We had to define subcultures which is not indicitive of race but of groups of people who happen to be one race. Different thing.
As for RCW's "stats" yeah, they are cold figures. Nobody is reading into them. The apartheid is still firlmy within living memory. Equal opputunities and poverty have to play a role in crime figures and why more young black males are in prison than whites.
I would just like to take some time here on Marchin' Lootin' Coon Day to say that I despise niggers, chinks, japs, whops, kykes, dagos, ragheads, dune coons, zips, gooks, beaners, wetbacks, and Baptists.

Thank you.
Number_6 said:
Then define the problem. But make sure you define it fully, and don't attribute a set of motives to racists when they are stating their motives to you upfront.

Stop being pedantic. We've already defined the problem as being why a disproportionate amount of blacks commit crimes then their white counterparts. As for me attributing motives, thats why I'm here. That is the basis of debate when there is an abscence of factual information backed up with numbers, rather then blanket statements. Before you or I arrived, thats all I saw in this thread. If you truly want to discuss motives though, I want you to establish why you've labelled myself and Menty as being ignorant of race relations based on what we've said. Be careful, because already once you've called me on something that wasn't the case.
I was raised in a very multi-cultural part of England. So I have lived around communites made of up of blacks, asians, indians, ect living side by side as next-door neighbours happily.

Perhaps those who are from predominantly white communites don't know what it's like to live around other races in peace.
jack said:
TQ says the Holocaust as described couldn't have possibly occurred, and that we're all pawns for believing it.

See, this right here is the root of your problem. Why don't you do a little searching and read what I actually and very precisely said.
Live around other races in peace?

Menty, you obviously have never been to Bedford Stuyvesant in New York.

The whites hated the hispanics, the hispanics hated the blacks, the blacks hated the whites....

Oh, the races were well represented alright.
Cloudscum said:
but there are certain posters who appear to be genuinely nasty and bigoted - or at least that's how they portray themselves online.

Seeing as how you travel the board just to find and neg my posts I'm going to correctly point out that the poster you're referring to is me.

Believe what you wish, I wouldn't even think of trying to change your mind, for eventually you'll whip yourself up into a frenzy trying to get me to change my ways. I find that a bountiful source of entertainment because as they say, if you only knew.
CoyoteUgly said:
I would just like to take some time here on Marchin' Lootin' Coon Day to say that I despise niggers, chinks, japs, whops, kykes, dagos, ragheads, dune coons, zips, gooks, beaners, wetbacks, and Baptists.

Thank you.

What are zips?
Mentalist said:
I was raised in a very multi-cultural part of England. So I have lived around communites made of up of blacks, asians, indians, ect living side by side as next-door neighbours happily.

Perhaps those who are from predominantly white communites don't know what it's like to live around other races in peace.

I take a more realistic, if not idealistic view towards racial relations, that takes effort and reconcilliation on both sides of the coin from everyone. The problem I think lies in motivation and cultural miscommunication. On both sides people seem to percieve groups within groups as representing the whole. Phrases such as "all whites think niggers should go back to Africa" and "All blacks aspire to be gangstas and get welfare checks" are conversation stoppers.

Perhaps I have a distorted view, living in the southern US, but by virtue of my personality, I've strongly beleive that I've enjoyed the virtue of being able to look at people with a bit of detachment, that alows me to see straight to the root of certain matters. I'm young, not very well travelled, and still in the stage of young adulthood that gives me the feeling that one person can change the world, and that there are more advantages to peaceful co-existance of all races. I sometimes hug trees, and wish for world peace and harmony with the enviorment. But these things are tempered by reality, and my belief that embodying these principles and ideals within myself first gives me the right to demand them of others, and point out when they fall short of them.
Number_6, and whoever else is looking to actually discuss, and not troll, I have some open ended questions for you. I want you to give me your honest feelings on the issues below, because I get the sense we might actually agree on a lot of them.

1. African American Reparations and
2. Affirmative Action

I'm not looking to incite a riot, I just want some honest thoughts from people on this.
BlazerBoy said:
Number_6, and whoever else is looking to actually discuss, and not troll, I have some open ended questions for you. I want you to give me your honest feelings on the issues below, because I get the sense we might actually agree on a lot of them.

1. African American Reparations and
2. Affirmative Action

I'm not looking to incite a riot, I just want some honest thoughts from people on this.

No to both.

1. Reparations treats blacks as a single individual who was wronged, and treats whites as the single individual who did the wrong.

2. Affirmative action itself is racist. In the eyes of the law, race as a concept should be absolutely nonexistent.