Random memes


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

The Question


I don't know why the "obey us or" part is on that sign. Cops kill peoples' dogs regardless. Seems like it's a fucking sport for them.

Side note: That's something I despise about self-proclaimed "conservatives." Got a problem with government overreach, Cletus? Good for you. But stick to it when it's happening on the street from behind a badge and a set of them crispy blues. When a cop beats and tazes somebody when that isn't necessary, that's overreach, too.

The Question


This meme was made by someone who doesn't grasp the idea of "enlightened self interest."

Let's try it again from a perspective that does encompass that knowledge:

Ayn Rand, Rand Paul, and Paul Ryan walk into a bar. There's still no regulation. The bartender doesn't serve tainted alcohol, because the bartender likes having customers, and people dying in his joint prevents him having customers.

Just say "No!" to overregulation-loving wishwank, kids. ;)

The Question


Maybe coincidentally (maybe not) men can also prevent 100% of child support judgments.

Or... wait, no. They can't.

This is a story with not one but two morals:

Moral #1: Don't stick your dick in Crazy.

Moral #2: Your only way to stay safe is to assume that they're all Crazy.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I stuck my dick in crazy once. I still get emails many moons later.

It was tight and slick though.

The Question

Poor 'Biff', though, gotta take another run at him.

Here's the deal, Biff:

A woman who would terminate a future human life due to "not wanting to be reminded of you every day for the rest of her life"...

Is a fucking psychopath.

And shouldn't be permitted to breed.

And if you fuck a woman without getting to know her well enough to judge whether she's that level of psychopath (they're all of them some level of either sociopath or psychopath; it's how they're wired. On some level, she only finds you worth fucking if you're worth fucking over) then you, Biff, are what is referred to in medical terminology as a Fucking Retard.

And shouldn't be permitted to breed.

So, y'see, Biff, abortion is in fact a wonderful thing. A woman who chooses an abortion -- because, come on, Biff, the bitch ain't gonna die in childbirth. This is the 21st century, not Little House On The Fucking Prairie. The bitch isn't Ma Ingalls popping out a kid while the township's witch doctor is getting drilled in the doo-doo door by rampaging Injuns -- this is a bitch who's worried that a pregnancy will diminish her versatility on OnlyFans. It's less, "I'm too young to die!" and more, "I'm too young to end up with my page shoved into the MILF fetish listing!"

So -- inasmuch as it's completely accidental, because the average 21st century woman, while not necessarily immoral, is on average amoral. You know, like a domesticated animal -- the woman in your situation is doing a good thing. She's elected not to instill her own toxic personality traits such as selfishness, overwhelming sense of entitlement to the point of disregard for any human life other than her own -- on a helpless, innocent newborn human being. One less poor kid to be raised by a brainless THOT. And that's a goodness.

She's voluntarily submitting to a eugenics program, Biff. Taking the Chlorine that keeps human garbage like her from filthying up the gene pool any further. Not just voluntarily -- aggressively. She's fighting to end the transmission of her... hehehe, scuse me, Biff, can't help but laugh at the word I'm about to use... her "values", hahahaha!!! She's doing the world a service. Just like all those "people of color" (that's just an 'of' away from 'colored people, y'know.)

Margaret Sanger scored a trick shot with this racket, didn't she? I mean, she only aimed it at black folks -- but now it's taking out the white trash, too!

Back to favors, though: Your woman's doing you one, too!

See, by... let's call it, "canceling" the offspring the two of you produced, she's letting you keep your freedom, too! Not that she's thought about that -- or, really, anyone or anything except herself and her own convenience. But still, Biff -- it's a win for your dick and your wallet! You don't have to shell out half your paycheck every month. See the up side there?

The only thing that's a disappointment here, buddy, is that the level of THOTtery on display on her part is a symptom of a lack of a moral center or any higher level cognitive processes. If only she had those two things, she'd close the doors of the baby factory for good by using a suitably powerful gun to core out your skull like a rotten apple, then her own.

But since she hasn't the brains or the morals to know that that's the right thing to do -- let alone to do it -- this is where it's on you to step up, Biff. Time for you to be a hero. Drive her to the Planned Parenthood. Walk her right in there and demand that human trash like her gets that womb scoured like a crusty cooking pot. Because for all her demanding an abortion should tell you, that metaphor is more literally accurate than you think.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom