Returning Houseguest Duos - BB13

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts

Rachel & Brendon (BB12)


Jeff & Jordan (BB11)


"Evel" Dick & Daniele (BB8)

Jeff & Jordan met and fell in love in the BB house. Rachel & Brendon also met in the BB house and are engaged, and both quite insane, and usually burn out from their own drama. Dick & Daniele are estranged father and daughter who rarely speak unless they're in the BB house for some reason.

Dick won BB8, and Jordan won BB11.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
LIVE FEED SPOILER (probably won't be revealed until next Wednesday's show):
Dick left the house last night. When the feeds started at 1AM ET, he had already been missing for 3 hours after being called to the Diary Room. At first the house was making light of it, but then he continued to be gone for 5-6-7 hours. After 8 hours, Daniele was called to the DR, and informed he left. All we know is that he didn't fall ill or was injured, and that it wasn't a family emergency (otherwise they would have told her too). The two theories are: 1) Dick recorded a video for his new reality web venture,, shortly before going into sequester, announcing that he was indeed going to be on BB13. The video may have been released online before the first BB how aired or finished airing, which might be a contract violation. 2) There was a personal emergency, but it involved Dick's girlfriend who Daniele doesn't know. Either way, one of the more entertaining (and vile) houseguests is already gone.

Also, the house seems to be splitting down the middle into a New HG vs. Former HG war. The newbies have more numbers, but they suck at strategizing so far, so it could be fun.


I want to smell dark matter
Stupid question: are the returning housemates allowed to win?

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Anyone can win. The teams will dissolve in a few weeks (like the tribes merging on Survivor) and then everyone will be playing for themselves.


I want to smell dark matter
It seems a bit unfair that people who have previously had a chance to play the game and know how it works have another chance to win. TO ME ANYWAY. There would be outrage if they did that here (except they actually did once with Nikki and THE LAW ended up getting involved.)

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Yeah it is unfair, because the newbies are starstruck and the former HGs have all become friends at cast parties and cons and such, so of course they all teamed up and the house is divided right down the middle. Plus there are other weird twists thrown in that were blatantly meant to keep returning people in the game in case the newbies ganged up on them at first (which they are too stupid to do apparently).

But the feeds have been surprisingly entertaining so far. I'm cautiously optimisitic LOL WATCH ME GIVE UP ON THE SEASON IN A MONTH.


Registered User
It seems a bit unfair that people who have previously had a chance to play the game and know how it works have another chance to win. TO ME ANYWAY. There would be outrage if they did that here (except they actually did once with Nikki and THE LAW ended up getting involved.)

They did a season of Survivor with half returning players and half newbies, and the returning players absolutely dominated that game.

Vegas wins veto! (Take a shot of tequila in celebration.)

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
And they're already talking about calling people out, switching the nominations "to send a message" and asserting their "power" in the house, as if the rest of the house has to bend to their will because they win things.

They are quickly making the same mistakes they made last year, and will be hated in the house soon enough. I love watching Jeff's eyes glaze over as he sits and listens to them overthink everything like savants in the HoH. He's going to use them for as long as he can stand them, and then let them hang themselves the minute they start calling people out publicly, or holding one of their famous "house meetings" LOL.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Dani 2.0 (without Dick looming over her) is a revelation. She's bright, she's social, she has a wicked sense of humor, and she's a good strategist. She could go far once the teams split up. And until then, she has a Golden Key keeping her safe to play both sides of the house.


I want to smell dark matter

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
She's a newbie. She's not in the best position, since her partner Shelly is secretly kissing up to the Vets, basically making Cassi a target along with Dom and Lawon, whose partners are also selling them out.


I want to smell dark matter
Maybe that's all part of Cassi's masterplan.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
At this point, anything's possible. But she has to stop saying she's going to throw the HoH competition and really play for it, otherwise she will be a big target this week. And she may not be fully aware of this fact so far.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Just shoot me now.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
The show airing now has officially turned me off this season. I'm fed up with Big Brother US.

Until they revamp the concept, I just can't do it anymore. I just gave up my live feed recap shift at that reality site, because I can't bring myself to dwell on Rachel & Brendon to this degree anymore. My feeds are paid up till the end of the season so I'll check in once in a while, but it's obvious that this season was a total set-up, and the shows are nothing but fake soap opera. There's just no point anymore.


I want to smell dark matter
UK BB starts August 18th if you want to download it!

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Woo hoo, Brendon is on his way out the door this Thursday. He even won the power of veto, but like an idiot he used it on Rachel, his abuse victom bride-to-be. Now he's being a bullying douche for the rest of the week, because he's a bitter overgrown child.

He won't even make the jury house, so he and Rachel will be split up for the rest of the summer. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Now he can go home and Skype his penis to strange women like he got nailed doing last year. Smug little creep.